Sunday, May 25, 2008

Quick Update

Well, I have not done the greatest job in the world keeping up with the blog. A few quick updates.

The Japan trip is getting closer and closer. June 3-13 are the dates that I will be away...I think. As far as traveling goes, I'm usually not your guy. I don't believe this trip is any different. If I cant get there in the truck, I usually don't feel like its necessary to go. Take away my shorts and T-shirts and I really get uncomfortable. So pray for me as I get ready to go. Pray for the planes I'll be on as well. I don't feel like being the star in the next season of "LOST."

The garden has finally started to grow like I intended. The weeds also. I will try and weed it this afternoon or tomorrow so that I can get a good pre-Japan picture up so that I can show you how well my lovely bride tends the garden in my absence.

Preparing to load the ipod up with songs for the trip too. Downloaded a new audio cd this morning that will certainly make the trip. For many who don't know, let me inform you that I'm not a very big music fan. It rarely moves me to worship. It rarely provides an escape. I'd rather read a book than hear a decent song. That's just me. Most of you aren't like that, I KNOW!!! Anyway, a few months ago, Bert got us tickets for a concert. It was Bethany Dillon, Starfield, David Nasser, and Brian and Brian or Ken and Ken or something like that. I guess you can tell that they didn't do all that much for me since I cant even remember their names. I think the real reason she got the tickets was because she knew I liked Bethany Dillon. Well, she wasn't given any time at all, so I don't know what my real take on her is just yet (A live show usually helps me see what kind of "artist" they really are). The big surprise was STARFIELD. They are awesome. They seem to lack that "I'm Somebody" attitude. They gave me the impression that they didn't care if they ever sold an album or T-Shirt. The image they projected was that their sole desire was to worship the Lord and have us join them in that process. Surprisingly, that's what I did. I am in no way a big "Praise and Worship" music sort of guy. I think I already said I'm not even a music guy at all. But these guys helped me exalt the Christ. Their new album is titled, "I Will Go." If you're interested in good tunes with great potential to help your personal worship, go buy this CD. By the way, they are Canadian. I hope that doesn't crush you. For the record, they are the best thing to come out of Canada...Wayne Gretzky included.

Go to to see a little more.

Have a great one.
He's Made Me Glad!

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