Thursday, May 29, 2008

My Own Crazy Family

I just wanted to post these to have them handy while I'm away. Up top is Hunter, Mommy and Baylee. I forget the occasion, but its obviously not going to be too formal. Keeping shoes on my kids is tougher than hoarding chocolate at the Biggest Loser Campus.
The Bottom picture could be one of my all-time favorite Redneck Family Foto's. Baylee has taken her potty on the "road" and moved it into Hunter's room. She is blowing a deer call and playing with Thomas the Train, all the while responding to nature's call. YES WE BEAT HER, but only after we got a great picture that she will cherish as she becomes an adult. This will be the first picture I show to all the boys that come calling on her. She is a strange child indeed. Every day with Baylee, if you survive it, is quite an extraordinary adventure.
He Has Made Me Glad!

Family Day 2008

Found this picture while I was messing around and thought I'd go ahead and share it. It's from our Family Day a couple of weeks ago. This was "Good Times." Already looking forward to defending the Kick-Ball Champions Title next year.

The Garden Update, week 2-ish

Well, there she is, not too much to look at, but she's all I've got. I have never pretended to be much of a gardener, green thumb or anything like that. From left to right there are 3 rows of beets beginning to make an appearance, 2 rows of Green Beans, a patch that I think might contain some carrots (Hunter's contribution) 8 Pepper Plants, 10 Tomato plants and then on the far end are several squash, cucumbers, cantaloupe and watermelons. As you can see, the weeds are about to get the best of me already, but its been so wet I haven't been able to get in there. Hopefully, upon my return from Japan, the family will have been busy keeping the weeds out and stuff like that. Time will tell. I'll let you know what I see when I get home.
He Has Made Me Glad!

Sunday, May 25, 2008


I am by no means starting a new trend in blogging by making two posts in one day. However, tonight is just too good to pass up. After church several of us went out for burgers. I had a fantastic double slaw burger, something that is more of a treat the farther south you go. In fact, tonight is the first time I've ever had a slaw-anything north of Alabama. Anyway, I digress, this isn't a blog about food.

On the way home I got a call asking if I was currently participating in some friendly hijinx at the church. Apparently, someone (who I will leave unnamed for now) thought they heard someone in the church, even though all the lights had been turned out and the doors had been locked several hours before. This particular unnamed elder was doing exactly what they do in scary movies...he was going in to investigate. If you've ever seen a horror flick the only people who survive are the ones that run away like scared little girls. The curious and the brave are always the first to be dismembered. At any rate, because this elder had pulled a pretty good prank on a neighbor recently, he was wondering if we were toying with him as payback. I assured him we weren't. A creepy dark church in the middle of nowhere is NOT THE PLACE FOR JOCULARITY. Especially after this winter's "Drunk-guy-athon" where this same unnamed elder and I were in a fairly dangerous situation with a violent, chemically impaired young man that ended with about half a dozen law enforcement officers struggling to restrain one guy.

At any rate, unnamed elder said that if we weren't trying to be funny, he was heading back in with his pistol to get to the bottom of things. I knew there was something "manly" I should do, though I really couldn't think of it at the time. "Run, Run, Run Like a Little Girl" is what I thought, but what came out was "Why don't you wait until we get there, that way somebody will know to call 911." In all truth, in situations like this I usually yield to the Shaggy in me. I wanted to volunteer me and Scoob to stay outside and guard the Mystery Machine. But against my better judgement, in we went. Unnamed elder with his pistol, Drew with a stick from the back of his truck, and me with a flashlight and a big pair of Channel-locs. Channel-Locs. What on earth would a pair of Channel-Locs do in a face to face confrontation that a pistol wielding elder and a youth pastor with a stick couldn't?
The first few doors we opened were pretty creepy, but after that, we couldn't help but laugh. By the time we got to the last few rooms, we looked like a 3 man Special Ops unit with a gun, some firewood and a tool to fix a broken chair. I even yelled "Clear" just like they do on NCIS every time I checked out a room or a closet by myself.
At the end of the night, the church turned out to be empty and we had a pretty good laugh. John, the now named, unnamed elder, was just hearing stuff. And I'm still scared of being in the church at night. I'm also fairly certain Drew won't be putting in many after-dark hours in the building by himself either.
Let the criminal element be warned: "Don't mess with our Redneck Church, cause if there's enough Scooby Snacks on the line, we'll be coming in after ya, guns, sticks, pliers and all!"
He Has Made Me Glad (yet again!)

Quick Update

Well, I have not done the greatest job in the world keeping up with the blog. A few quick updates.

The Japan trip is getting closer and closer. June 3-13 are the dates that I will be away...I think. As far as traveling goes, I'm usually not your guy. I don't believe this trip is any different. If I cant get there in the truck, I usually don't feel like its necessary to go. Take away my shorts and T-shirts and I really get uncomfortable. So pray for me as I get ready to go. Pray for the planes I'll be on as well. I don't feel like being the star in the next season of "LOST."

The garden has finally started to grow like I intended. The weeds also. I will try and weed it this afternoon or tomorrow so that I can get a good pre-Japan picture up so that I can show you how well my lovely bride tends the garden in my absence.

Preparing to load the ipod up with songs for the trip too. Downloaded a new audio cd this morning that will certainly make the trip. For many who don't know, let me inform you that I'm not a very big music fan. It rarely moves me to worship. It rarely provides an escape. I'd rather read a book than hear a decent song. That's just me. Most of you aren't like that, I KNOW!!! Anyway, a few months ago, Bert got us tickets for a concert. It was Bethany Dillon, Starfield, David Nasser, and Brian and Brian or Ken and Ken or something like that. I guess you can tell that they didn't do all that much for me since I cant even remember their names. I think the real reason she got the tickets was because she knew I liked Bethany Dillon. Well, she wasn't given any time at all, so I don't know what my real take on her is just yet (A live show usually helps me see what kind of "artist" they really are). The big surprise was STARFIELD. They are awesome. They seem to lack that "I'm Somebody" attitude. They gave me the impression that they didn't care if they ever sold an album or T-Shirt. The image they projected was that their sole desire was to worship the Lord and have us join them in that process. Surprisingly, that's what I did. I am in no way a big "Praise and Worship" music sort of guy. I think I already said I'm not even a music guy at all. But these guys helped me exalt the Christ. Their new album is titled, "I Will Go." If you're interested in good tunes with great potential to help your personal worship, go buy this CD. By the way, they are Canadian. I hope that doesn't crush you. For the record, they are the best thing to come out of Canada...Wayne Gretzky included.

Go to to see a little more.

Have a great one.
He's Made Me Glad!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Well, this morning I was awake around 5. Not sure why, I just woke up. Rather than go turn on the news, I decided I'd just lay there and think about all the great things I've got going on in my life. I am more blessed than I usually acknowledge. But today, I was taking notice. So in my head I was singing at the top of my lungs in my best Pavarotti voice. "Hallelujah, Let my heart song sing to You." (Hallelujah sounds a lot like yodeling if you do it right!) It was a great moment. I think my Lord was blessed by my intentions. I was blessed by His presence. And my sleeping family was blessed that this was all taking place WITHIN me.

Well, Miss Bert's alarm went off about a 5:40. She had gone to lay down with Baylee, so naturally, her alarm was only an inconvenience to me. But as the alarm came on, the song on the radio just continued the morning worship. The FFH song "Lord Move, or Move Me" is one of those rare, easy listening, adult contemporary Christian songs that I actually like. It was a great morning already, and I hadn't even gotten out of bed.

Little did I know that God had used this time of worship to prepare me for what came next. As the DJ came on the radio, you could tell something was upsetting him. He admitted his heart was heavy, and then went on to explain about the death of Steven Curtis Chapman's youngest daughter who had been hit by a car that was being driven by her brother. My heart absolutely broke for this awesome ministry family. I will continue to pray for them and I guess I'd ask you to do the same. SCC sings a song that breaks my heart almost every time I hear it. As the father of a daughter, I think the chorus explains why:

So I will dance with Cinderella
While she is here in my arms'
Cause I know something the prince never knew
Oh I will dance with Cinderella
I don't wanna miss even one song,
Cuz all to soon the clock will strike midnight
And she'll be gone

Whether it's prophetic or not we'll never know. So many have experienced this heartbreak that comes as the clock strikes 12. I hold my little girl tight this morning and pray for those unable to do the same. Lord, heal the broken hearted.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Reaping what you sow...

Well, there it is. For better or worse. This year's garden has been planted. Hopefully, we will reap what we have sown. There are 3 rows of beets (because my kids eat them in 5 gallon intervals). There are 16 bush beans, 2 different varieties of peppers, 4 different varieties of tomatoes, squash, carrots, cucumbers, watermelon and cantaloupe. Once the carrots break through and I see how well or not well they are doing, I will more than likely add about 3 more varieties of peppers.

One of the things I've noticed about gardening is that there are many similarities between it and being a minister. Jesus constantly used agricultural images to describe His and His Father's activity. And if you enlarge the picture, you can see there are tons of weeds already. Already, and it's only day 2. What I've learned in the past is that weeding the garden is a great time to pray for church folk and the ministries that we have going on.

I'll try and keep updating the photos every week or so in order for you to see what kind of progress or lack thereof I'm having. Also it will help you know if you need to adopt me and mine. If this years garden winds up like last years, you'll be able to sponsor us through Compassion International. (for what its worth, I lost heart in the weeding department last year and gave the garden over to them.)

Hope you're having a great spring. Be sure to keep your eyes peeled for all sorts of New Life.

He Has Made Me Glad!


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Another Good Book

Finished another pretty decent book this weekend. Deadfall, by Robert Liparulo was awesome. It is a fiction work that I couldn't put down. It's a story set in the Saskatchewan back country that involves a tiny out-village, 4 vacationing weekend warriors, and some very disturbed techno-gamers. He was a little weak in his archery-speak, but he mentions that in his acknowledgments, so I'll let it slide. I picked up his first thriller at the Christian Bookstore a year or so ago and have been hooked ever since. I just checked out and found out that there are some movies in the makes, at least movie rights have been purchased, for 2 of his 3 novels. That's pretty interesting, though I doubt Hollywood can make a great book a great movie. It's been done occasionally, but I think I'll cherish these books in my mind and not ruin what the author led me to create on my own. (I had the same struggle with the Lord of the Rings and Narnia. I eventually gave in bought the movies.)

Liparul0 is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors. As of today and the completion of Deadfall, he has climbed into my second spot ahead of Frank Peretti. Here would be my list of favorite fiction writers in order:

Stephen Lawhead
Robert Liparulo
Frank Peretti
Ted Dekkar

I think what I like about these guys is that there is so much "Fact" in their fiction. While their story lines (maybe with the exception of Lawhead on occasion) are generally make believe, these guys put tons of effort into accurately recreating the environment in which the story takes place. Lawhead is a genius at this. His knowledge and understanding of the ancient Celtic world is fascinating. The best of both worlds; on the one hand, I am incredibly entertained, on the other, I actually learn a little.

I run into so many people who say they "just don't like to read." I cannot understand that. Certainly, there are those who don't read well, well that issue wont fix itself! Others find reading boring...put down the self-help mumbo-jumbo and find something that's exciting! Still others suggest they don't have the time...turn off the TV and its amazing how much more time you'll find! Start out reading for pleasure and get good at reading. I think then you'll find you can read for wisdom and knowledge. Then you'll be able to experience the transformation that comes from renewing your mind through the Word of God. Baby Steps, Baby!

He Has Made Me Glad!

By the way, why not hit the comment button below and tell me what you like to read. Maybe you'll open some new doors for me!!!!!

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Just thought I'd share that today is a WOOT OFF. You might just find some pretty good deals if you check often enough.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008


That's Emily. She's a little more than the punk kid at church. She's a little more than my kids "WORLD'S BEST BABYSITTER EVER!" She's a little more than a great friend. She's a little more than the sloppy person who leaves her "underthings" all over the floor in my wife's camper. And She's a Heck of a lot more than STEVE'S DATE FOR THE PROM!!!!!!!SHE'S JUST LIKE JESUS! At least that's what all of her teachers at school seem to think. The way I understand it, Emily was voted upon by her teachers to be the Student who most resembles the Servant's Heart of Jesus in EVERYTHING that she does. DUH! I could've told them that a long time ago. For what its worth, during this particular time of year, students are given all sorts of awards. Most of those are probably OK things that would make your granny cry, but if there was ever one single award I would hope for for either of my kids, it would be the Bible Award that Emily earned by living just like Jesus. Way to go Emmy. She's gonna grow up and be one of those Proverbs 31 ladies for sure, and some lucky little puke is going to get way better than he deserves.

Speaking of "Just Like Jesus," tonight is the first night our new youth minister, Drew Gray, is meeting with the youth group here at New Hope. From what I can tell, he had a good crowd. Drew's job is to help our kids learn to live just like Jesus. Of course, for all of you parents, HE IS NOT TO REPLACE YOUR EFFORTS in this endeavor. (Just thought I'd provide that reminder)

Speaking even further of Just Like Jesus...I got to go to the hospital today and see a new baby. Talk about just like Jesus. Every problem in the world just falls away in the peacefulness of a newborn (that's asleep, anyhow). And this baby is a special baby. Her mother has already volunteered her to be the Baby Jesus in the manger scene of our Christmas Bethlehem Production. So its a good thing she's just like Jesus.

Taking it one step further with this "just like Jesus" spiel, it's just like Him to come through and prove Himself, when you're not sure you can take another step. There have been a number of "typical" ministry sorts of things going on that have really been burdens. In most occupations you can usually leave the junk at the office when you go home at night. The "Junk" pastor's get to deal with isn't "Junk" at all. It's people. Broken, hurting, in-need people. I guess on a normal day, those "people" are fairly manageable. It's when you take them home with you and there's another batch of "Junk" to deal with there. That's been our story for a while at least. Well, I guess its "Just Like Jesus," because today Jesus showed up and pulled the biggest burden off our shoulders and tossed it farther than we could see. Everything else seems bearable now, knowing that the love of my life will be around a while longer, encouraging me to be just like Jesus.

He Has Made Me Glad!

Tuesday, May 06, 2008


Just wanted to post an update for those of you who check the blog with some regularity. The missionary couple that we have been praying for and supporting, M & HW are safe at the moment. Their names are abreviated for their protection, due to the nature of their location. While recent events in their area have caused a great deal of concern for their well being, the international Christian Grapevine reports they are doing well and finding plenty to do in the name of Jesus. They will not be able to contact home for at least the next 3 or more days. So in the meantime, everyone is asked to keep holding M & H up in prayer.
