Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Slow going

Well, its been a while since I've posted, but I was honestly waiting for something worthwhile to happen. It has yet to come to pass. Life has been sort of slow, and thankfully so. At the risk of scarring her for life, I will not call her hell-baby, but Miss Baylee has certainly been a treat to live with. She's kinda like having your own pet Dragon, neat to show off to your friends, but a real bear to live with.

I guess she's joining with others around the world protesting the travels of the Olympic Torch. She will be 2 this Sunday and so far, she has yet to sleep through the night. This past week has been exceptionally worse. I would bet my life that she doesn't give a flying rip about Tibet or its freedom, but as long as that torch is moving, so is she. AND SHE IS NOT PLEASED.

I think I saw on the news this morning that the torch has finally reached China or something like that, so maybe, just maybe her freedom fighting days are coming to an end.

On another note, I'll give a shout out to the Edwards Co. High School class of 1987. Seems a few of them have found their way here. Hope you enjoy your time, come back more often.

Turkey season is about to wind down for the spring. I have had a blast, this morning was probably my last morning for hunting in KY and while I didn't get myself another bird, I found an awesome deer shed. Funny thing is, I found it about 15 yards from where I had a treestand this year. If I remember correctly, I had this 8 pointer at about 15 yards the day before rifle season came in and I let him walk. He will easily be a 150 inch deer next year. That's exciting, at least to me.

Hopefully something interesting will come my way before too long. If it does, I'll be sure to share it.

He Has Made Me Glad!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

My family made it to the "Big Time"

Well, my family finally made it to the big time. This is my mom, my dad and my brother being interviewed by a St. Louis News Station concerning the recent earthquake epicentered in my home county. (Which is really nowhere near St Louis)

The first part of the interview is in front of my family's store. It is the same building (Remodeled of course) that my family started a grocery store in in 1876. It's a pretty cool building. Much of the inside is still the original wood and furnishings. Notice the brick streets. My hometown of Albion was once famous for the bricks produced there. Many of their bricks made up the first Indianapolis Motor Speedway, thus the name "Brickyard."

The second part of the interview takes place in my brothers new taxidermy shop. Thank God none of them mentioned the UFO or the events that took place over at the trailer VFW closed down for the night.

KSDK NewsChannel 5 - Video Center

Glad they're OK.
He Has Made Me Glad!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Stress Awareness Month

In this weeks issue of the "Pastor's Weekly Briefing" an e-publication put out for ministers by Focus on the Family there is an interesting article about providing care and reducing stress in the lives of your loved one's (and your own life in the process). I share that with you in the hopes that you'll put some of that info to good use.

Stress Awareness Month
The Health Resource Network, a non-profit health education organization, has designated April as Stress Awareness Month for the 16th consecutive year. Health care professionals, health promotion experts and caregivers across the country will join forces to raise public awareness about the cause and cures for our modern stress epidemic.

For this reason Community Chaplains of America, which provides care for individuals during difficult and stressful situations, have offered 10 simple suggestions on how to provide care and essentially reduce stress, according to

Provide a listening ear. Often, those who are going through stressful times simply need someone to talk to. Make an extra phone call or meet a friend for coffee and offer the opportunity for them to talk.

Send an encouraging note. Words are powerful. In the age of emails and text messages, handwritten notes show that you took time and effort to show you care.

Say "thank you." Offer your gratitude for people. Thank a coworker for his or her hard work or a waiter for serving you dinner. Everyone wants to feel appreciated.

Laugh with someone. A good hearty laugh can relax you both and mentally lighten your load.
Tell a joke or rent a funny movie with a friend.

Perform a random act of kindness. Surprise someone with the unexpected. It can be as simple as paying for a friend's coffee or offering to watch the kids so a mom or dad can have that extra time to relax.

Help someone organize. When the places and things around us are in order, we feel a little more put together. Take time to help a friend clean out a closet or scrub the bathtub.

Take a walk. Exercise releases endorphins and makes us feel better all around. Walk around the mall with a coworker on your lunch break or meet a friend at a park after work and enjoy the fresh air.

Share a smile. This contagious act can easily brighten someone's day. Smile to a passing stranger; it may make a big difference in his or her day.

Get away. Get away from the everyday circumstances that may be causing stress. Plan a weekend getaway or a day trip with a friend.

Pray. Say a quick prayer for your friend and put his or her stress in the hands of the Ultimate Provider and Healer.

Hope this helps you help others and yourself in the process.

He Has Made Me Glad!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Had an interesting start to my day today. I had to make a quick trip to town before dropping the kids off at the sitters. I usually dont listen to John Boy and Billy, but for whatever reason, they were on in the truck when we headed out. On our way back, JB & B took a break and left us to listen to "Dirty Deeds" by AC/DC. As a result of that song, I have a few sad observations to make:

1. I have not listened to that song in probably 15-20 years. In fact, that was the last 8-track tape that I bought back when Metallica was still playing T-ball. Sadly, I still have the tape and a functioning player. That in itself is a fairly sad statement. I mean really, who still has functional 8-tracks? And while I havn't listened to that tape in particular, I still use that player pretty regularly. Sad!

2. I knew every word. To memorize that much scripture I would have to spend hours, but that song of pure garbage came out like it was nothing. I can't remember my name most days, but for some reason I remember that song, and there's probably tons of other trash music that's just waiting to jump out of me.

3. Probably the most alarming observation of the whole trip would be that my 2 year old daughter went crystal-meth on me. She freaked!!! Banging her head & howling like Ozzy. I looked back and she was smiling from ear to ear and lovin' every minute of it. Yet again more proof that this sweet little girl is highly likely to cause me headache and heartache for the rest of my life.

On a more positive note, last night was the premiere of the new season of Deadliest Catch. MY FAVORITE SHOW OF ALL TIMES. If you want to check 'em out on the web go to:

Looks like its going to be an exciting season.

So there you have it, a former AC/DC fan who now spends his time watching men catch crabs on the Beiring Sea. Pray that I become cool. Please.
He Has Made Me Glad!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I dont do requests, but............

It's not often that I do requests, at least as it pertains to preaching. Granted, my preaching isn't quite the same as Air Supply and Lost in Love---in other words, the Groupies have yet to form a line. There have been a couple of times when someone asked, "Would you preach about___________?" On those rare occasions, I've done my best, but if memory serves me correctly, I still didn't say what they wanted to hear. Funny how that works isn't it.

Anyway, We have been studying a number of different world religions and cults and what nots during our Sunday Evening Services. My planning comes to an end this Sunday as we try to figure out Scientology and see it in contrast to Biblical Christianity. My question today is, "Have I missed one that you had hoped we'd talk about?" Hit the comment button below and leave your suggestions and we'll see what happens. I'm not making any promises, but........

Hope you have a great day. It's still pretty cool out, but sitting here in front of the window, the sun looks beautiful.

He Has Made Me Glad

Monday, April 14, 2008

Well worth your time.

Since this subject matter has come up several times during the last few weeks, especially as it pertains to Matt & Heather and the new work which they have undertaken, I thought I'd share a website with you. Not only just for the information, but for the inspiration it provides. We certainly take a lot for granted. Check out:

Have a great one.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

A Humorous Day of Firsts

Monday, April 7th, 2008...a day that will live in infamy.

To be truthful, it began with all intensity about 2 weeks before, but lets not get too picky today. For quite some time my 4 year old son Hunter has been begging me to be included in this years turkey hunting adventures. Mom and dad both thought it would be ok, as long as dad didn't push him too hard. Dad didn't. Just the getting ready to go hunting has been an adventure. We've talked about it at bedtime, we've gone shopping together for our stuff, we've horded honey buns like a chipmunk with a pile of nuts, we've high-fived the approach of opening day for what seems like forever. This has been a father-son bonding episode of monumental proportions.

Our plan was to head to our farm after the evening worship service on Sunday. In his excitement he must have overlooked the "after evening worship service" part. We went to church Sunday Night and I began unlocking doors and turning on lights. Hunter said, "What are you doing daddy?" I said, "Well, I'm getting ready for church." He said, "But I thought we were going to Pope County." I said, "We are after church is over." His wonderful response was, "But I dont want to hear you preach anymore." To which I responded, "Neither does anyone else, but sometimes we have to be obedient, even when we dont feel like it."It was funny.

We did make it to the farm after church. We did get our hunting blind set up. We made it to bed, though neither of us slept very well. At 4:30 am I got up and got ready to hunt. I waited till the last possible moment to get Hunter up, but alas, it was still about 3 hours too early for him. I was proud of the fact that he woke up and got dressed. He wasn't whiny or crabby. My hopes were high and climbing.

We crawled into our hunting blind right as it was beginning to get light. Not as early as I would've liked, but given my companion, I was proud we were there at all. (The last time I tried to take Hunter's mommy, she rolled over and went back to sleep leaving me to be the Forestland Defender all by myself.) We did hear a few turkeys gobbling, but nothing very close. At minute 11 (ELEVEN!!) Hunter said, "Daddy, I'm ready to go back to the cabin." ELEVEN CRUMMY MINUTES!!!!!!!!!!!!And then the tears began to fall. I asked him if he thought he could make it 5 or 10 more minutes. I would at least like to make it until the sun came up. He said he could, and literally seconds later he was fast asleep in his chair. (That meant we were gong to make it till the sun came up...HOORAY!)

There were two different groups of turkeys coming towards us. I was starting to think we might actually get a bird. To our west there were several hens just inside the woodline who were responding favorably to my amazing calling technique. To our east there were some young gobblers directing another small group of hens right for us. Both groups were headed straight for us...A TURKEY SANDWICH and we were the filling. The stuff dreams are made of. This was going to be amazing. In my sons eyes I would become an immortal---the Greatest Dad to ever step foot into the forest. Mentally, I was already putting on my well-earned "Worlds Greatest Dad T-shirt and hat."

I turned to wake Hunter from his nap, but I was too late. He had already become alert. I tried to show him the approaching turkeys but he wasn't too interested. I tried to get him to use the binoculars, no avail. I tried to fill him up with Easter Basket M&M's---no good. I told him I'd buy him a dirtbike. Even that failed. Hunter didn't care about hunting, turkeys or anything but going back to the cabin and doing that RIGHT NOW!!!

I've promised myself for forever that I wouldn't be one of those dads who tries to staple MY desires, hopes and dreams to my KIDS forehead. No vicarious living, no reclaiming the glory days at the expense of my kids. Those people make me ill as they rob the creative genious of God by stuffing their kids in a box of their own design. So, with success a mere 150 yards away and coming, we climbed out of our blind and headed back to the cabin. Turkeys running everywhere, taking with them my awesome shirt and hat.

Of course I was disappointed. There was one really nice longbeard in the bunch that would look awesome as a pedestal mount in my office with a great picture of father and son beside it. But why ruin a good thing, why settle for a stuffed trophy when the real one---a thriving relationship with my son built on trust---was right within my grasp.

This weekend turned out to be the best I've ever had, just because my son and I were attached at the hip for most of it. It kind of reminds me of an old episode of the Simpson's where Marge is tempted to have an affair with her bowling instructor (Hows that for a stretch). She doesn't and the instructor isn't too upset by his failure to score. He says something to the effect that "Anticipation is greater than the deed."

That rings true for us in this hunting adventure. We spent just under AN HOUR preparing for each MINUTE Hunter was in the hunt. I thank my God for giving us such a great time and praying He gives us many more (that last a little longer).

MY OTHER BIG FIRST: I FINALLY WON MY OWN NCAA BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT BRACKET THINGY. I moderated the group and I actually won. I was the only participant in our whole group to pick Kansas to win. Holy Cow. I never win. Of course, it was all luck. I filled out my whole bracket in under 3 minutes. I know nothing about basketball and care even less than that. But I WON!!!! Scripture is true again...God uses the simple to confuse the wise, the weak to confound the strong.

Have a good one.
He Has Made Me Glad!

Friday, April 04, 2008

Ironman Fellowship

Wow! What an incredible evening. Jon Paul Moody at Covenant Ranch in Buchanan, TN has got a good thing going. You can check out Covenant Ranch at:
In the picture above, that's Steve Chapman, My son Hunter and Myself. Steve was the featured speaker at the Ironman Fellowship (Of "as iron sharpens iron..." fame). I have been a big fan of Steve Chapman for a long, long time now. I discovered his book "A Look at Life from a Deer Stand," and was drawn to his insight from there on out. By the way, I've used that book a number of times to reach out to many men and get them to start thinking about their relationship to Jesus Christ. It's a great tool to foster discipleship in a really non-threatening way. You can find it on his website listed below, or at just about any Christian bookstore. Anyhow, Steve's presentation was interesting to say the least. He talked about a number of circles in a man's life. Of course, there are more, but for the time we had Steve focused on 4:
Our Friends
Our Kids
Our Wives
For each of these, he simply made some observations and gave a lot of encouragement as it applied to each of these areas. If you'd like to learn more about the ministry of Steve Chapman and his wife Annie go to:
Following Steve's message, Jon Paul gave a sort of impromptu invitation to the crowd of about 150-ish. It must be God's way of entertaining Himself and reminding me of my past, because when the question, "Is there anybody here who wants Jesus to be their Lord and Savior" my son Hunter raised his hand. Of course, what 4 year old kid doesn't want that. For today, I'm so proud to say that Hunter and Jesus have already got a good thing going. There will come a day when his answer to that question will be a little more significant. Or maybe not. Maybe that's the way its supposed to happen. Could it be that our kids should be so saturated with the things of God from the second they're born that their "moment" of salvation isn't so much of a huge leap as it is simply the next step they take as they walk with Christ?
The funny part of that is, as he explained it to me, this was his way of trying to hurry things along so that he could go get a glass of sweet tea!!!!!
What's funny about that? Well when I was a kid, the Baptist Preacher and his family lived across the road from me. Every year they invited us to VBS. One year the child evangelist who came was kind of old school. He made the statement that "We would be there all night until someone finally gave in to Christ and accepted Him as their personal Lord and Savior." I wasn't too old, but I was old enough to know that somebody had to take one for the team. I slowly made my way to the altar where I was attacked by a crowd of deacons. I accepted Jesus so we could go home and go to bed. (As a side note, I had already accepted Jesus the year before). The story gets even better as the next night of VBS the same spiel was made by the same guy. Apparently my "sacrificial salvation" didn't start REVIVAL because that altar remained empty, so I drug my brother to front for the same reasons as the night before. I know, I know...probably borderline heresy, but...
The evening ended with a time of prayer, and if for no other reason than this prayer time, I was glad my son was with me. The room erupted in prayer as just about every man there was praying out loud all at the same time. That's a little different than we're used to in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. I looked over at my son during this time and his eyes were bugged halfway out of his head. He was totally amazed at all these godly men who were manly enough to bare their hearts before the Lord in public.
What a great night. Ironman meets on the first Thursday of every month at Covenant Ranch. You can be sure I will be there again.