Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Where I Am....

Just thought I'd try and be true to this crazy blog thing today. Thought I'd give an update about where I am at this point in my 90 day blitzkrieg on the body, mind and soul.

Today was day 2 of week 2 of the P90X. It was one of the two especially hard workouts, and I've done it, nearly passed out, but feel great because of it. Especially now that its behind me. I'm really starting to get the hang of it and am seeing some positive results. I am still about as uncoordinated as a drunken stork with some of these moves, but I'm getting there. I'm about ready to kick it up a notch and go for some much heavier weights now that I've gotten my body used to doing something.

The BIND is going pretty well. I'm only one day behind and hope to make up for that tonight. I had to leave right after church Sunday and go up to central IL for my uncles funeral. After it was over Monday, I turned around and headed right back. That got me a day behind. That and the fact that I took Baylee with me on our first solo overnight outing. She was awesome, but things were so hectic that I just couldn't possible get the reading in. I thought about it a lot though while I was driving. I was able to come up, or maybe I should say, God was able to inform me of, a really great sermon out of some of the "least expect it to" material. This is a blast. Just imagine what all I've missed out on by not being this regular with this much biblical material for much of my life. I've been a pretty poor disciple, that's for sure.

That's where I am, and I can't wait to see where God is taking me. Crazy Days.
He Has Made Me Glad!

Friday, April 17, 2009

3 Things

Thing 1 I have completed day 5 and the pain has gotten somewhat less. I dont feel too bad physically. In fact, I'm starting to feel really good. I think I'm going to like this. There are already some small, yet noticeable changes. that's cool.

Thing 2 When I open my big, stupid mouth...Somebody please tell me to shut up!!!! I was saying the other day that the Bible reading part was going to be a non-issue for me. And certainly, the reading isn't a problem. However, since I have expressed my overconfidence in my abilities, my wonderful Lord has decided to see just how much I can handle. And so this week has been a barrage of "opportunities" for me to get to deal with. I'm going to make it, but I'm also learning to keep silent. There is a limit to what I am able to do. Might find myself in better shape relying on the Lord's abilities instead, eh?

Thing 3 Last night I became a soccer dad. What's more, I also became a soccer coach. What do I know about soccer, you ask...NOT A DANG THING. That's what. But the Lord gave me a bit of understanding. It went like this: THESE KIDS ARE 5. THEY DONT CARE ABOUT THE PLAN. THEY JUST WANT TO KICK THE BALL (and do a few cartwheels too). SO LET THEM KICK THE BALL AND HAVE FUN. And that's what we did. And it was fun. Sure, I was ready to throw myself under a train by the end of practice, but the kids had fun and I kinda did too. Our first game is TOMORROW!!!! I'll let you know how that goes.

He Has Made Me Glad!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Milestone today.

For whatever reason, I've had this hang-up in the past. Motivation has generally carried me through 3 work-out days. Today I have completed day 4! I'm proud of me. As painful and rigorous as these work-outs are, I woke up and actually was looking forward to doing it. Even though I am completely overwhelmed with muscle pain, I feel better on a much deeper level. I'm so glad I'm doing this. Even if I dont get totally buff, I'm glad.

From what I've heard, the BIND people are having a ball too. Several have mentioned how much fun it is, and its been great to see everybody unite for this common goal. God is up to something big, and I think He's about to let us at New Hope in on it.

He Has Made Me Glad!

Monday, April 13, 2009

It has begun....

Today was day one. And let me just say, its not as easy as I thought it would be.
With Easter Weekend and all, I was whipped before I ever woke up. I didn't get up early like I had planned. I just couldn't do it. My sinus cavities were killing me and I was up a lot during the night because of it. So when the alarm went off, I just rolled over and went back to dreamland.

To be honest, the p90x thing had me a little intimidated. But as soon as I dropped off the kids, I went straight to it. I've never worked so hard in my life. I did the chest and back workout, something in the neighborhood of 250 various push ups. Probably close to 100 pull ups and a whole bunch of other crappy exercises that made me want to cry. BUT I DID IT! And if I'm able to move in the morning, I'll start day 2. (I had to resort to doing the girly knees on the floor push ups after about 50).

As for the Bible in Ninety Days, that was more my speed. I could be a professional Bible Reader...oh wait, I am one. But it was really enjoyable. Mostly it was just reading Scripture for the sake of reading Scripture. No devotional to worry about, no stupid fill in the blank questions. Not even "future sermon" issues. I was just reading, and it was great. I actually read a few more chapters than I was scheduled to because I quit reading for the "goal" and just kind of got lost in reading. Good times. So I'm a little nerdy.

They say it takes 20 days to form a habit. Hopefully I can stick with the work-outs that long. I dont see the reading as problematic, but those workouts are cruel. Did I mention the 363 crunches I did in 15 minutes. Holy Cow, I miss my honey buns already. For those of you doing BIND, I am praying for you. And I expect you to do the same for me.

He Has Made Me Glad!

Sunday, April 05, 2009

90 Days to Change My Life!

Ok, its Sunday Morning and the onslaught of ministry stuff is about to begin, but this was fresh on my mind and thought I'd get it out here before its gone.

One BIG number is looming on the horizon.


Its a terrifying number to me right now. At church we are going to begin the "Through the Bible in 90 Days." This is going to begin on the 13th, the Monday after Easter. Its part of a bigger plan to see and understand what the Lord's Vision for New Hope Church is really all about. To be honest, I'm not too concerned with this aspect of the number 90. I love to read and have no doubt that this will be a "walk in the Scriptural Park" for me. (I am praying for those of you who dont love to read so much, who dont read so well or are so busy that chopping out a half hour just for reading is going to be a struggle).

The part of the number 90 that has me a little concerned is the other side of my 90 Day Transformation. I was swept away by the allure of an infomercial. Yes, solid, stoic me was enticed. Its hard to believe, but I was. I am the owner of P90X body sculpting program. And from what I hear, its brutal. Beyond Brutal. But seems to work for most who stick with it. I need sculpting. Truthfully, I need more than an artists touch, I need body engineering. But they haven't made any infomercials for that yet, so I'll stick with what I've got.

For this, I could use your prayers. And I'll keep you updated on the journey, as if you really care. It should be an interesting 90 days.