Monday, April 13, 2009

It has begun....

Today was day one. And let me just say, its not as easy as I thought it would be.
With Easter Weekend and all, I was whipped before I ever woke up. I didn't get up early like I had planned. I just couldn't do it. My sinus cavities were killing me and I was up a lot during the night because of it. So when the alarm went off, I just rolled over and went back to dreamland.

To be honest, the p90x thing had me a little intimidated. But as soon as I dropped off the kids, I went straight to it. I've never worked so hard in my life. I did the chest and back workout, something in the neighborhood of 250 various push ups. Probably close to 100 pull ups and a whole bunch of other crappy exercises that made me want to cry. BUT I DID IT! And if I'm able to move in the morning, I'll start day 2. (I had to resort to doing the girly knees on the floor push ups after about 50).

As for the Bible in Ninety Days, that was more my speed. I could be a professional Bible Reader...oh wait, I am one. But it was really enjoyable. Mostly it was just reading Scripture for the sake of reading Scripture. No devotional to worry about, no stupid fill in the blank questions. Not even "future sermon" issues. I was just reading, and it was great. I actually read a few more chapters than I was scheduled to because I quit reading for the "goal" and just kind of got lost in reading. Good times. So I'm a little nerdy.

They say it takes 20 days to form a habit. Hopefully I can stick with the work-outs that long. I dont see the reading as problematic, but those workouts are cruel. Did I mention the 363 crunches I did in 15 minutes. Holy Cow, I miss my honey buns already. For those of you doing BIND, I am praying for you. And I expect you to do the same for me.

He Has Made Me Glad!

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