Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Slow going

Well, its been a while since I've posted, but I was honestly waiting for something worthwhile to happen. It has yet to come to pass. Life has been sort of slow, and thankfully so. At the risk of scarring her for life, I will not call her hell-baby, but Miss Baylee has certainly been a treat to live with. She's kinda like having your own pet Dragon, neat to show off to your friends, but a real bear to live with.

I guess she's joining with others around the world protesting the travels of the Olympic Torch. She will be 2 this Sunday and so far, she has yet to sleep through the night. This past week has been exceptionally worse. I would bet my life that she doesn't give a flying rip about Tibet or its freedom, but as long as that torch is moving, so is she. AND SHE IS NOT PLEASED.

I think I saw on the news this morning that the torch has finally reached China or something like that, so maybe, just maybe her freedom fighting days are coming to an end.

On another note, I'll give a shout out to the Edwards Co. High School class of 1987. Seems a few of them have found their way here. Hope you enjoy your time, come back more often.

Turkey season is about to wind down for the spring. I have had a blast, this morning was probably my last morning for hunting in KY and while I didn't get myself another bird, I found an awesome deer shed. Funny thing is, I found it about 15 yards from where I had a treestand this year. If I remember correctly, I had this 8 pointer at about 15 yards the day before rifle season came in and I let him walk. He will easily be a 150 inch deer next year. That's exciting, at least to me.

Hopefully something interesting will come my way before too long. If it does, I'll be sure to share it.

He Has Made Me Glad!

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