Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Had an interesting start to my day today. I had to make a quick trip to town before dropping the kids off at the sitters. I usually dont listen to John Boy and Billy, but for whatever reason, they were on in the truck when we headed out. On our way back, JB & B took a break and left us to listen to "Dirty Deeds" by AC/DC. As a result of that song, I have a few sad observations to make:

1. I have not listened to that song in probably 15-20 years. In fact, that was the last 8-track tape that I bought back when Metallica was still playing T-ball. Sadly, I still have the tape and a functioning player. That in itself is a fairly sad statement. I mean really, who still has functional 8-tracks? And while I havn't listened to that tape in particular, I still use that player pretty regularly. Sad!

2. I knew every word. To memorize that much scripture I would have to spend hours, but that song of pure garbage came out like it was nothing. I can't remember my name most days, but for some reason I remember that song, and there's probably tons of other trash music that's just waiting to jump out of me.

3. Probably the most alarming observation of the whole trip would be that my 2 year old daughter went crystal-meth on me. She freaked!!! Banging her head & howling like Ozzy. I looked back and she was smiling from ear to ear and lovin' every minute of it. Yet again more proof that this sweet little girl is highly likely to cause me headache and heartache for the rest of my life.

On a more positive note, last night was the premiere of the new season of Deadliest Catch. MY FAVORITE SHOW OF ALL TIMES. If you want to check 'em out on the web go to:

Looks like its going to be an exciting season.

So there you have it, a former AC/DC fan who now spends his time watching men catch crabs on the Beiring Sea. Pray that I become cool. Please.
He Has Made Me Glad!

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