Monday, October 18, 2010


Well, we're home! And it sure feels good. Though I am completely exhausted, I can easily say that I'm so fortunate to have been a part of this trip. I went as a part of the Grace Team. You can check out the awesome ministry of Sam Suddarth at

There were tons of potential problems that developed over the course of the week, but God had every one of them covered. One of the coolest things was that God used my stammering and stuttering and blabbering attempt at a sermon during the youth rally on our Saturday Night to connect with a young lady who had been living out of fellowship with Christ. He never ceases to amaze me.

My son was taken by ambulance to the hospital on Friday, but after a trillion different tests, nothing was found to be wrong with him. Our church family surrounded my biological family in my absence, and things turned out well.

We had prayed for it not to rain so that we could get as much work done as possible. It clouded up several times, but there appeared in the sky something like a wall that stopped the clouds from approaching the site. The lightning flashed and the thunder rolled, but the rain did not fall. Coincidence....I dont think so.

God was so good to us, and I just had to tell somebody.
He Has Made Me Glad!


sandra said...

Tell us more!!!!! Love to hear these stories. I want to see pics and hear more stories.

Anonymous said...

Really love all the posts you offer! I am so looking forward to seeing more like them..