Wednesday, January 16, 2008

It's a great day & the crappiest day of the year all at once!

By that I mean, I'm trying to be faithful and the Lord has reminded me of a promise I made. Back in the "Woe is me" days I felt God say, "Jeff, you are a crappy friend!" And then there was a bunch of fine print that I dont intend to go into right now. Long story short, I vowed to reconnect and re-befriend my old friends from days gone by.

I am proud to report that in the last month or two, I've done that. Last night I called an old friend from Asbury Seminary days. Chad Kingsbury...What a guy. Probably the most intense youth minister I have ever met. His intensity is matched by integrity, compassion and jockularity. (I've never used that word in a sentence before.) Chad is hilarious. His heart is as big as the rest of him, and he loves Jesus with passion. Not the passion symbolized by a heart with an arrow drawn through it, but real passion. The passion of SuperBowl Champions, the passion of triathletes, the passion it takes to get to the top of Mt. EVEREST...the passion of Nazarene Carpenters. Anyhow, it was good to talk to Chad. And I am blessed by his witness. Thanks for answering the phone chad. Its a Great Day.

In a few hours, I will go and sit in a treestand for my last deer hunt of the season. Does it get much worse. I will be a down-and-outer for a few days after tonight. But I'm not giving up hope on a score. I have had my eye on a nice buck for a few weeks and hopefully tonight I have made the right move. But if not, he'll be there next year, and he'll be a little bigger. On a positive note: Only 226 days until bow season begins again.

I have not hunted nearly as much this year as I have in years past. Of course, in years past I didn't have 2 great kids. I guess as I think about them, it really isn't that crappy of a day.

Maybe next week I'll actually blog about something not so redneck. Maybe Scott will have inspired me to get a little more deep in my thinking.

He Has Made Me Glad!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you, too, Biggs.
