Tuesday, February 26, 2008

One Way...

It was a cold day in 1993 when we first met. Larry had recently had a heart attack. His finances were drained, his recovery wasn't going as smoothly as he'd hoped; but he took a minute out of his time to stop and talk to me. What started out as an extremely humbling day became more and more humbling as it went.

I was living in Memphis and had written a bad check to the Zondervan Christian Bookstore in one of the Malls. (MY ONLY BAD CHECK...EVER!!!!) They called me on the phone and I just couldn't believe it. I told them I'd be there within the hour, cash in hand to take care of my mess. They were used to dealing with this sort of thing, but I wasn't. How embarrassing.

I made my way into the store and pathetically approached the counter to re-right my wrong. I guess they could tell by the way that I was trembling that I was embarrassed, ashamed and belittled by my mistake...they waived the "bad check" charge. I groveled for a few more minutes and headed towards the door. That's when I met Larry.

Larry Norman, the godfather of Christian Rock and Roll.

He spoke to me like we were old friends. I knew who he was and I was already a fan, but our meeting was void of anything that resembled "He's famous, I'm a groupie." I told him I was in Seminary and he told me not to lose sight of the real Jesus that had called me there. I had heard that statement before from pastors and from those on my Committee on the Ministry, but never from a dude with long hair and leather biker jacket. Larry was cool. He was burdened with the Gospel and somewhat grievous over the current state of affairs in the music industry, particularly the Christian side of it. Larry was natural. We could've gone to Sbarro's and had the most normal lunch ever, except for the fact that we only had about 20 bucks between the two of us. He gave me a copy of his current new release, "Stranded in Babylon" and that was that. My encounter with a hero of the faith.

I had forgotten about that encounter until learning yesterday that Larry's heart finally gave out on him. Larry Norman went to his reward and I praise God for him, his music and his relationship to Jesus Christ. Tomorrow, the pastor's office of at least one church will be reverberating the tunes of Larry Norman, God's Servant; and the pastor in that office will probably look towards heaven with a smile, right arm held high, finger pointing up, proudly agreeing, "ONE WAY!"

I went to Larry's website to find whatever details were available. These words, written by Larry the day before he died, are what greeted me. What a testimony:

I feel like a prize in a box of cracker jacks with God's hand reaching down to pick me up. I have been under medical care for months. My wounds are getting bigger. I have trouble breathing. I am ready to fly home.
My brother Charles is right, I won't be here much longer. I can't do anything about it. My heart is too weak. I want to say goodbye to everyone. In the past you have generously supported me with prayer and finance and we will probably still need financial help.
My plan is to be buried in a simple pine box with some flowers inside. But still it will be costly because of funeral arrangement, transportation to the gravesite, entombment, coordination, legal papers etc. However money is not really what I need, I want to say I love you.
I'd like to push back the darkness with my bravest effort. There will be a funeral posted here on the website, in case some of you want to attend. We are not sure of the date when I will die.

Goodbye, farewell, we will meet again.
Goodbye, farewell, we'll meet again

Somewhere beyond the sky.
I pray that you will stay with God,
Goodbye, my friends, goodbye.

For more info on Larry Norman, the Righteous Rocker, go to www.larrynorman.com

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