Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Not sure about Georgia, but the lights were out here!

Just moments after I posted my last blog last night, the ice that we'd been playing in, the very ice that beat up my kid...wreaked havoc on the powerlines in the tri-state area. Our house was no exception. The lights went out. In the country, when the electric goes, so goes the water thanks to the electric pump on the well. Thankfully, we've got gas heat. But alas, it requires the use of an electric blower.

So long story short, our house looked like a cross between redneck seance and a scene from "The night before Christmas." The living room was wall to wall blankets and pillows and candles. The kids were acting out WWE raw, since the satellite was out. I was huddled around the battery operated TV hoping to find news of when we might expect our power back. And mom fell asleep. I dont know how, but she did. About 12:30 she woke up and asked, "did I fall asleep?" NO, YOU JUST TIME WARPED 3 HOURS INTO THE FUTURE!!!! I wanted to ask her to try it again and see if she could go find out when the lights would come back on and then warp back and tell me if I needed to be more conservative with the candles, but thought better of it.

Anyhow, it is now 3:20 and the lights are back on. We made it. And just so you know, it was really fun. Probably the best night the whole family has had in the last year or so. In fact, I'm thinking of flipping the breaker and doing it all over again tonight.

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