Thursday, February 02, 2012

Help us!

I really should be working, but....
I felt i could better serve the team if i involved all of you. We leave for the airport in 20 hours...we still have 3 days worth of work to complete our project. Nerves are a little thin and everybody is wearing down. Time is short and so are our get the picture. Please pray that we accomplish what we set out to do in a way that glorifies our Lord.

Yesterday we had to go to Cali for more supplies so we also included a bit of personal shopping as well. So thankful Stephi cleared her schedule to babysit us at the mall. We saw lots of interesting and beautiful things along the way. We also entrusted Alan to Jairo Lopez for the remainder of his time here.

One of the things that haunts me is the knowledge i gained over the weekend. 1000$ will buy the materials to build a mission church along the river where there are many unreached people. How much money do i waste in the course of a month? A year? How much could i do with what the Lord has blessed my family with...that which will matter in eternity....but i waste and squander it on myself. Temporary happiness. Momentary fun. Leisure. Recreation. Keeping up with the Jones's. If ive learned anything about Jesus its this: selflessness and sacrifice ought to be words that describe me as a follower of Christ, yet sadly it seldom does. I wrap myself up in me, my family, my comfort...all the while people die without Christ and basic human necessities. Whats wrong with this? Whats wrong with me? Whats wrong with the church? I pray dear Lord that i might have eyes that see as broadly as yours, i pray for a heart that is as compassionate and loving as yours. I pray for a backbone and resolve that makes me more like You. I pray for a church thats downwardly mobile and outwardly focused, that we might be the "lady you want to date" so that we dont disappoint you, the Bridegroom.
Be blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jeff: you give me so much to think about. I thank Got for the heart he has given you! We need your guidance so much at FCP Church and look forward to working with uou. Harriet