Saturday, September 06, 2008

Standing Ovation

"You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace, the mountains and the hills will burst into song before you, all the trees of the field will clap their hands." Isaiah 55:12

Many times during the course of my life, I have sensed that I had experienced this passage, at least the first part. Many a day have I watched the sun rise over the tree tops and heard the birds of the forest spring to life. Those are good days for sure. Today was a day much like all those others. A good day. It was the opening day of bow season in Kentucky. It was incredible as the mountains and the hills burst into song. But then something beyond my ability to describe took place. A breeze began to blow, and for the first time in my life I heard the trees clapping their hands. It was an unprecedented standing ovation, like nothing I have heard before. The Creation gave its praise to the Creator and for about 5 minutes I simply did my part too. It was a beautiful thing, if only for a moment, to get something...the only thing....right.

What will tomorrow bring? I dont have a clue. But I know that Creation will once again glorify its Creator, and hopefully I'll be found doing my part. Will you join me?

He Has Made Me Glad!

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