Tuesday, September 04, 2012


I'm working on a sermon for Grandparent's Day that will be upon us this Sunday. I am fairly certain I've never covered this from the pulpit before, so I've been working pretty diligently today. I've read some great quotes...watched some hilarious youtube stuff. While reading along I came to Proverbs 14:6 - "Grandchildren are the crown of the aged, and the glory of children is their fathers."

WOW! How awesome is that. That verse is a preachers dream. As I began to postulate a statement that would incorporate this little nugget of wisdom it hit me like a ton of bricks. From out of nowhere it came. I'm minding my own business, envisioning this great oratory for the older and the aging. WHAM! (Insert old Batman Caption of your choosing here) A Mike Tyson right hook to the body....AND THE GLORY OF CHILDREN IS THEIR FATHERS!!! My countenance dropped. My heart sank. I nearly fell out of my chair. I'm heartbroken.

MY KIDS ARE GETTING RIPPED OFF! If indeed I am their glory, they are rarely getting a glimpse at the Eternal One. They seldom get to fix their eyes upon the Majesty of God. The very grace that is supposed to hold them, carry them, drive them on...its rarely ever seen, if indeed I am their glory.

I took the kids fishing last night...that didn't go so well. Glory took the bait and somehow got away from us. When its time for bed and they just want to giggle and wrestle and pass gas...that doesn't go so well either. Glory escaped again. When they wont do this, or they dont do that...at least acccording to my standards or my schedule...no glory on the horizon either, if you catch my drift. What the hell am I doing? I suck at being GLORY. I'm inclined to believe that my kids eyes will rarely, if ever, light up with Joy and Awe and Wonder in the presence of the King, especially if dad's presence at home doesn't cause more than an occasional spark. Father please, help me know GLORY.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Reposting: Church Life in Popayan

Reposting this as it has been the topic of a few conversations lately.

Church Life in Popayan
October 10, 2010

So I said the other day I'd take a few minutes to describe church life in Popayan, so here's my attempt.

Like much of Colombia, the Payanese are very energetic and celebratory in their worship...much like the rest of their lives. One of the things that stands out to me the most is how deeply personal their worship is. Corporate prayers usually last upwards of 15 minutes...its embarrassing when us gringos cant even preach as long as the opening prayer...and you certainly don't call on a Colombian to pray before a meal!!! Much like contemporary worship in the states, repetition is a big deal. I would swear to it that we sang "Agnus Dei" in Spanish at least 25 times this morning...then we did it about 8 more in English. It was the same way with most of the songs. When the offering is collected, givers go to a designated location and place their money in a basket or some other such container. It is a much more active part of the worship. The sermon is longer....much longer than American sermons. Part of it is due to the fact that it just seems longer because you don't have a clue what's being said, the other part is that I think it takes twice as many words to say something in Spanish than it does in English.

Today, we worshipped at a mission church in a very poor village. The sanctuary was about 10 feet wide and 30 feet long. It felt like we were meeting in the back of semi trailer. But it was a great service and we were treated like VIP's. These folks who possess almost nothing lavished us with gifts and food and love. The Colombian people are the most hospitable people in all of the world, and they practice that gift to the extreme.

Following the service, we were taken to an elders home where all the furniture had been taken outside to allow room for us to eat within the house. It was a home of meager stature, but it oozed the love of Christ and we feasted on sancocho de pollo, rice with aji, and salad with 2 different kinds of very intense juice. Good stuff.

Following the meal, we got on the bus that seats 15...all 31 of us!!! I felt like the middle weenie in a can of Vienna Sausages!!!! and went into an artisan festival in the town square. It was a festival featuring the products of "Women Heads of Households" who were plying their craft skills with the hopes of selling their goods to provide for their families. I bought Miss Bert a really nice purse-thing (oops, there goes the surprise) and did not feel like bartering to lower the price, knowing that whatever profit the lady made would help feed her children today. Yesterday at the market place I was wheeling and dealing like Bob Barker, but my heart wouldn't allow it today. As we were leaving they announced over the PA system that there Americans in the city today....like that needed to be done. The city welcomed us and celebrated us like we were somebodies. Little did they know we're all just a bunch of average Joe's, most of whom drive mini-vans back in the States.

For those who profess to be followers of Jesus Christ, life is radically different from those who don't. Jesus is EVERYTHING. He is their focal point, their origin for all of the rest of life. I am likening it to a bicycle wheel. In this analogy, for the typical Colombian Christian, Christ is the Axle, the church is the hub and everything else radiates out from there. The addition I've made this trip to this analogy is that the tire on the wheel is the Mission of Christ. Their jobs, their hobbies, their recreational time...even their leisure time is designed ON PURPOSE to have some sort impact on the world for Jesus. In this, I think the Colombians understand the Gospel far better than most American Christians who insist on partitioning off a tiny segment of their in which to express their faith, all the while keeping the rest for themselves and their pursuits.

The element of the church being the hub is really impressive to me. When folks get off work, they go to church. Discipleship groups, small groups, planning meetings, choir and drama practice, church maintenance...everybody...every day. And everyone is smiling and humming or singing and they're genuinely glad to be there. Nobody complains about "having to do everything at church." Instead, they consider it pure joy to serve...to exhaust themselves...for the sake of Christ and His church.

Anyhow, this is just the little glimpse I can provide you of what its like here. It's wonderful. Come see for yourself.
He Has Made Me Glad!

Monday, April 16, 2012


Looking back over the past month and a half all I can say is “WOW!” You all (the folks at fcpc) have been so kind and generous to my family as we are in this state of transition. Your cards of encouragement, your visits and all the food that’s been sent our way are genuinely helping us out as we temporarily struggle with being a “broken-up” family. We have been blessed by you and we don’t take that lightly. Scripture talks about the spiritual gift of HOSPITALITY. I find that in our increasingly fractured society with all of its impersonal connections and e-this’s and i-that’s, nothing makes an impact on others quite like hospitality. Nothing makes an “outsider” feel like an “insider” any faster than to be shown hospitality. For the church and her relationship with lost and left-out, nothing communicates “YOU HAVE GREAT VALUE” any more than the exertion of this gift of hospitality. As Webster talks about hospitality, he uses words like “generous and cordial” as they find their place in the context of welcoming visitors. For us in the church, however, spiritual hospitality implies so much more. Scripture implies that the spiritual gift of hospitality is expressed when we welcome others as Christ Himself would welcome them. When we give to others with the generosity of Christ Himself; when we go the extra mile to initiate grace-giving; when we open our arms as wide as the Master and say, “You have my best because Christ gave me His!” That is true hospitality and that’s the sort of attitude that will enable us to reach our community and our world with the Good News of Jesus Christ. No “looking-down-our-noses,” no critical judgment; it’s simply a matter of treating others in the same way that Christ has treated us. Has God been good to you? Our only proper response to His goodness is to grow in our ability to express His hospitality to everyone around us.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Our Easter Cross

Here's the promised pics of the Cross I made for Easter. A huge thanks goes out to Ed Berry who donated the cedar logs and to Randi Berry who made the crown of thorns. It was a pretty cool experiment.

Monday, April 02, 2012

Easter HOW as much as Easter WHAT!

One of the things I notice the most about the Passion Story of Easter is the look of sheer determination on the face of Christ. At the triumphal entry and the ensuing cleansing of the temple we can clearly see that He had opportunity to revel in the attention that was being shown Him…but He didn’t. He fixed His eyes on the task before Him. Determined to honor His Father in all that was taking place.

As He serves His disciples in the Upper Room and institutes the meal of Holy Communion, His eyes are fixed on the task before Him. Setting the example, determined to Honor His Father.

As He turns to His Father in the Garden of Gethsemene He is so determined to pray this “thing” through that drops of blood fall from His forehead. Nobody else was able, but He is determined to honor His Father.

Through His betrayal and arrest and His trial, only one thing seems to be on His mind. He is committed to bringing honor to His Father and completing the task He has been given.

On the Cross, though His breathing is shallow and the blood and sweat and tears and bitter wine are searing His eyes, that same look of determination is still there. What a relief, what a joy it must’ve been…to finally close His eyes and utter with His last breath…IT IS FINISHED!

You know, I am certainly thankful for WHAT Jesus accomplished on my behalf on the Cross. But I am also so very thankful for HOW He accomplished it. It’s the HOW that I mostly need to be reminded of. I often let my feelings dictate my actions. I’m a little bit prone to fickle wishy-washy-ness. But Christ sets the example here that I am to follow. He shows me what commitment looks like. May this Easter be a season where we are reminded by the commitment of Christ to give ourselves fully to our Lord, His Church and the people around us. May we be renewed in our commitment and strengthened in our determination to live and serve in such a way that Christ is glorified and God is honored through our faithfulness.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

So I Made a Cross Today........

So I made a cross today. No, not one you wear around your neck, a little bigger than that. As I was thinking about this coming Easter…the first one in a new church, I thought “Wow, we need a cross on the stage.” I did a little digging, but the only cross I could find was a little small. Our sanctuary is HUGENORMOUS…so naturally, anything but a hugenormous cross would look like it’s made out of toothpicks. Go big, or go home…at least that's what the lactation consultant told us years ago when we were getting ready to be parents!

Anyhow, a friend of mine, who used to be a logger hooked me up with two great tree trunks. It was a giant cedar tree that had fallen. My friend suggested I take it to the mill and get it rough squared…OH NO. Not me. I had it in my mind I was going to make this cross for the Lord’s Church by hand. After all, this thing is supposed to represent Jesus, and Jesus was a Jewish Carpenter… without power tools…trust me, it all makes sense in my mind.

I figured since I’d seen an episode of something on Discovery where they showed how the settlers of America used broad axes to do this sort of thing, well, so could I. Have you ever used an antique broad axe for anything other than a decoration? DON’T! At this point, I figured since I have a great chainsaw just sitting in the garage, why not use it? But as I held that behemoth saw in my hands, my mind was reeling with images of me crawling to the phone to dial 911 with part of a severed leg in my mouth like a pirate sneaking aboard one of the Her Majesty’s fleet. WHAT WAS I THINKING? I’m not qualified for this. Do you know how hard it is to “just cut the rounded part” off the length of a tree trunk? A 400 pound tree trunk! So I prayed, that’s what we do right? “Dear God, in honor of your Son and our observance of His sacrifice…I make this cross for you. Please don’t let me cut my leg off. The wife will be so ticked if I do! Amen.”

And then I just dove right in. Sawdust and shavings were flying 6 feet in the air. It was awesome. The motor on the Stihl was raging. I was sweating like Lady Gaga at confessional. My arms were burning. Ears were ringing. Lungs were wheezing. Safety glasses totally blurred. I was in the zone. And then it was over. 45 minutes of 2-cycle oil, fear induced mayhem. And I had rough squared my timbers. Legs still hooked to the rest of the torso! Hallelujah!

But……..my “Hosanna” faded faster than it did in Jerusalem the day Jesus came to town. Now what? I’ve got two hacked up cedar timbers…how on earth does that become a cross? Now would be a good time for the broad axe. Yes! NO!!!!! I’m such a slow learner. (Note to self: There is never a good time for an 80 year old broad axe.) I kind of tinkered around with a few options that were useless. And that’s where Norm Abram of the New Yankee Workshop began whispering to my soul…”Use the Plane. Use the Plane.” And then his voice faded away. But I got it! I got the message. For 4 hours I planed. And I planed. And I planed some more. I think tomorrow if my arms still work, which is questionable right now, I will plane again. (This is where Tattoo would say, Replane! Replane! With all this “planning” you knew it was coming.) Pathetic.

But it was incredible. It’s so therapeutic. You can think about stuff. Pray about stuff. Meditate on stuff. All while working away. No wonder Jesus was able to be so mellow most of the time. He was able to be so peaceful and gentle and holy…because while His body was working, His mind and heart and spirit were on the clock too. How refreshing is that? The picture above is how I started. I’ll post a pic next week when it’s put to use. Until then, no peeking! Just anticipate the JOY of Easter with me.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Things the church needs more of:

This is just an off the cuff reflection. I saw a commercial and it had a kid eating an ice cream cone, and the kid was smiling ear to ear. I thought, “wow…we need more people in church that smile like that. “ That’s where this idea was birthed. It’s a little quirky and not overly theological, but it gives you a little glimpse at how my mind works.

Things the church needs more of:
1. Obviously, Ice Cream machines. If it made the girl on tv smile, it would probably make all of us smile. Add a whole “frozen yumminess section” to the Christian Life Center. Cherry Flavored Icee’s. Frozen Yogurt with all –the-toppings- bar. Already I can tell, I’m winning you over to this. You want ice cream. NOW!

2. While we’re on the topic of smiling in church…Why not add more Disco Music. Say what you will, but Disco always makes you smile. You don’t want your friends to know your listening to KC and the Sunshine Band, but secretly, every time you do, you’re glad you did. Isn’t it about time that “DOING CHURCH” becomes a little more enjoyable?

3. Thinking about music, everybody’s favorite church subject to fuss and fight about. Wouldn’t it be cool if the church just had more people who loved singing their hearts out to God regardless of the style of music? Wouldn’t it be cool if we had more worshippers gathered to sing to an audience of “ONE” rather than attenders who show up to be entertained?

4. Tithers. (do I really need to expand on this) God says “DO IT.” Many of us don’t. The church struggles spiritually and financially.

5. Cell Phone Signal Interrupting Hovercrafts. I have yet to invent one of these, but basically its like a little UFO (only it is identifiable because it would have the church logo and John3:16 stamped on it) that flies around the sanctuary and emits some electro-something that makes cell phones not work. Wouldn’t it be cool to have one whole hour set aside from all the electronic gadgets in life that have become impossible to live without? In fact, it ought to be mandatory that we have a whole day or two a month where we turn off all the technology that we’ve built into our lives and quiet ourselves. Listening for the Voice of the Master to speak into us.

6. SWEAT! People who devote themselves as fully and completely to the work of the church and the ministry of the Kingdom as they do to Zumba, baseball, marching band, football, tennis, Yahtzee and any other sport/activity you can think of…including fishing and hunting here too.

7. More leaders, less leadership seminars.

8. Air conditioning vents in the floor right behind the pulpit.

9. Velvet pictures of Jesus, Elvis and the bulldogs all playing pool together. I mean, if they can all get along together, then surely the rest of us can too!

10. Sinners. I’m of the opinion that Jesus intended the church to be a place where the sinful gather to be remade in the image of Christ. Sometimes we get so caught up on being the image of Christ we forget what we used to be, and develop a pretty low tolerance for it too!

Ahh, who knows. What are things you’d like to see more of in the church where you attend? Leave your comments here.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Your Pastor's "Professional" Life.

Back in the day when David Letterman used to be funny, I absolutely loved his Top 10 list. It was a light hearted way of poking fun at oftentimes very serious issues of the day. I thought I’d try my hand at it here. As you will see, Math is not my strong suit.

10 things you need to know about your Pastor’s Professional Life

18. Sadly, I’m not yet like the minister on Little House…I’m not too holy yet. I’ve been following after Jesus for quite a while and I still haven’t caught up. I’m earthy, flawed and messy at times. I still need Jesus as much as the next guy!

17. I never handle the church’s money. EVER!!!!!

16. I will always vote in favor of a church Hot-Tub.

15. God desires the church to dwell in unity. I do to too! Conflict is hard, horrible and hurtful. I believe almost every problem in the church could be done away with if we followed these 3 simples Scriptures:
Matthew 22:36-49 – The greatest commandment.
Matthew 7:1-5 – First removing the plank from our own eyes.
Matthew 18:15-17 – Keeping problems with others a private affair.

14. When it comes to music, be warned…I cannot sing. Also be warned…I love to sing. It’s nasally, off-key and all-out horrible. Sorry, but get you’ll get used to it. And while I’m talking about music, let me say that I love the traditional hymns. I love praise choruses. I love the old spirituals and the new really loud stuff. It takes more than one style of music to sufficiently praise the King. So, if it honors Jesus, I’m for it!

13. I’m always on duty. Life doesn’t happen from 9-5, so call whenever you need your pastor. It’s ok. Really. I promise you won’t be the first person to wake me up in the middle of the night.

12. I don’t eat chicken unless that’s my only option. (And even then, I won’t each much)

11. If you have to go to the hospital, have a procedure or there’s a death in family, please let me know. I had to turn over my psychic powers when I was ordained.

10. As a rule I do not counsel women or children alone.
I will only break this rule if they are in prison, or I am in prison.

9. I am happy to lead your 3rd cousin’s neighbor’s lawn man to Christ.
However, I expect you to go with me!!!! Evangelism works BEST in relationships. ALWAYS.

8. Holy Communion isn’t something that’s just added to the end of the service to make us feel happy.
Holy Communion IS THE SERVICE.

7. God has X-Ray eyes and He sees right through my clothes. You do not, so I will try to dress and groom myself in a manner that does not hinder the Gospel or someone’s ability to take me seriously. This does not mean I will be wearing a suit at all times. It does mean I won’t show up at your funeral in bib overalls and a sleeveless Sundrop T- shirt!!!

6. WRITE IT DOWN! If “it” is important for me to know, “it” is important enough to put it in print.
Both my memory and the old gray mare…they aint what they used to be!

5. Sometimes I make mistakes, at other times I mess up. I will never intentionally set out to hurt you, offend you or be mean to you. If I do, let’s talk about it, my door is always open.

4. Officiating weddings is not part of my “JOB.” Building healthy marriages is a function of my ministry.
I will only “Do” Christian weddings, and only after significant pre-marital counseling.

3. I place a high value on confidentiality. I will not blab your private affairs unless someone else’s life is immediately at risk. If I should happen to share my concerns with you, please afford me the same.

2. Christ and His Church are my life. I strive to give Him and His Church the best I have to offer. I expect every other follower of Jesus to do the same.

1. I love people. I love what I do. But I love my family the most and if I’m forced to choose, my family will “win” every time. I’m their “pastor” first, according to the book.

OK, I just read and re-read this about 4 times and I’m not really satisfied with it. I sound like an egotistical, arrogant jerk. I don’t mean it that way, it’s not a “my way or the highway” type of thing. I just know there are a lot of problems that can be avoided if you know up front what to expect out of me. Communication is everything, and this is stuff that’s important, (at least to me) but not worthy of a sermon or newsletter. So there you have it. There’s lots of other quirky things that make me, me. I hope you find them enjoyable and beneficial to our new life TOGETHER. I know God is up to something exciting at FCPC!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Things you might need to know about your pastor.

I guess I’d never given it much thought before, but today it struck me like the smell of cooked cabbage: “It might be good if the folks at church got to know a little bit more about me.” I’m not your average minister, heck I’m really not average anything. Sometimes I can be a little strange, sometimes I can be a lot strange. I fail a whole lot more frequently than I succeed. Sometimes I can be in the room, but I’m not really present. I fluctuate several times a day between ADD and S.T.O.P. (that spells stop!) So, anyhow, it hit me like a bad smell…You need the chance to get to know me. So for a few days I’ll post a few things about myself and give you the chance to try and understand me.
TODAY I’ll begin with a bit about my personal life. I wasn’t always the sweet angel you currently know. I went through a strong period of rebellion and am so blessed my Heavenly Father was gracious enough to yell so loudly that I could hear His plea to “come home.” After a fairly thorough college and seminary career, I was ordained in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in 1996. 2 years later I married my only True Love. I have the most incredible wife on the planet. She is beautiful, intelligent, loving and devoted to the cause of Christ. I bug the snot out of her because she’s my wife. You don’t get to bug the snot out of her because she’s my wife. ( I really don’t mean that as rude as it sounds, I just had to get it out there.)

I have 2 wonderful kids. They are not perfect. Neither are they to be treated as such. It’s not every day that I quote Hillary Clinton, but somehow she managed to tap into the wisdom of God when she declared “It takes a village to raise a child.” It takes all of us to help our children “learn the rules and stay in bounds.” Its ok to correct my children when they cross the line, in fact, I’ll be offended if you don’t. (please no leather straps or pepper spray, a good scolding and the ensuing shame is usually all it takes). But also know this…as wonderful as your kids are, they aren’t perfect either, and from time to time I will help guide them back inbounds should they get off course. It’s the way God designed things.

As for hobbies, I love just about everything, everything except golf (I will occasionally make an exception and play a round if it helps a greater cause.)and basketball. I love to be outside. Camping, hunting, fishing, hiking, mowing, cutting firewood, playing Bocce and lawn-chair riding are some of my favorites. I love to read. I really love to read. If you want me to ignore you, just give me a book. I enjoy cooking, but not so much the cleaning up afterward. I am currently coveting one of those Big Green Egg Cookers, but I doubt seriously that I will sell the required kidney to be able to afford one. (If you, on the other hand, would like to donate a kidney to my “fancy grill fund” leave a comment below) For most people, mission trips aren’t a hobby, but for me, I love them. I’ve seen God do some amazing things when His people step out of their comfort and culture on His behalf.

I probably watch more tv than I should, but I love programs like Axe Men, Swamp People and Duck Dynasty. Tonight was the premiere of Duck Dynasty…AWESOME. Mostly I like this type of programming because they make me feel so much better about myself, but they are entertaining. Criminal Minds, while usually pretty graphic, engages my thought processes…which is a good thing. Of course I’m a sucker for some throw-back Hee-Haw, Little House on the Prairie and the Dukes of Hazzard. I never liked Touched by an Angel.

I’m an Illini fan and currently hoping Shaka Smart gets the Men’s Basketball Coaching job. He’d be awesome. Not sure about what the football team needs…I’m in favor of letting the Women’s Volleyball Coach have a stab at it. Baseball is St. Louis Cardinals ALL THE WAY! And the real shocker…when it comes to the NFL, I am probably the only Detroit Lions fan south of Detroit. Not sure how that happened, maybe it was Barry Sanders, but who really knows.

Anyhow, that’s a little about me. Check back in a day or two and I’ll post about the “Professional” side of me. The “How I go about being a pastor” stuff. (I’m sure the suspense is already killing you!)

A Compliment...I think

I got the strangest compliment yesterday. I was visiting at the hospital and went in to meet a lady I'd never met before. Within the first minute of our time together she said, "You have the warmest, most welcoming smile I've ever seen." Given my current "belly-expansion" project, I probably should've received this as the proverbial "...but you've got such a pretty face." You know, maybe its her way of following Grandma's Rule...If you dont have something nice to say, dont say anything at all! But I want to believe that its really true. I want to believe she meant just what she said. I want to believe that I communicate "warm and inviting." When I walk into a room, I want to change the place...I want the presence of Christ in me to make a difference. I want my countenance to reflect hospitality of Christ. I dont want to be one of those dried up, staunchy, too much starch-in-my-shorts kind of Christians.

In Exodus 34 after Moses had been in the presence of God on the mountain top, Scripture says "his face was radiant." It was so overwhelmingly obvious that Aaron and the Children of Israel kind of freaked out and kept their distance. The conlcusion I'm making at this point is this...The more time I spend in the presence of the Father, the more likely others will be able to see Him in me. How's your countenance?

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

What I'm Reading Right Now.

Every once in a while somebody wants to know what I'm reading. I love to read. Unpacking books this week was almost disastrous. I came across a book I hadn't seen in a while..."Everything I know about Bucks with a Bow"...by Bob Kirschner. Its a thin, home-published looking little tv guide sort of book offering all sorts of tips and tricks for the avid hunter. Its way outdated, but what the heck, it was words on a page, and Bob is one of the most interesting people on the planet. I sat in the floor and read it. Just because I hadn't seen it in for forever. I LOVE TO READ. And I'll read just about anything. But it really interferes with unpacking.

So, you ask, what am I reading right now? And if you didn't ask, I'm going to tell you anyway.
Several different books...For fun, I just finished up "The Bride Collector" by Ted Dekker. To me, its relaxing just to escape into a little fiction every now and then. This would make a great Criminal Minds movie. Its a little dark, eh...a lot dark. The author weaves just enough biblical thought into it that Lifeway will sell it, but nonetheless...I loved it. There's a lot of unnecessary graphic poo left out that books of this genre usually overdo.

I'm really learning a lot from 2 other books. "Visioneering" by Andy Stanley and "Good to Great" by Jim Collins. These two have a lot of great information that I am already trying to figure out how to introduce in my ministry here at FCPC. I think they will help us navigate the future in a way that helps us become all that God desires and intends us to be. And to DO it in a way that honors God and values His people. (The "getting there" is just as important as the "where we're going.")

I'm also reading "Day of War" by Cliff Graham. This one is pretty interesting. The book is about David and his Mighty Men. What makes it such a unique read is that Cliff is a military veteran that now serves as a chaplain. His insights into the life of a soldier open up the lives of those military men in scripture with a new clarity that I was unable to "get" as I have no military background whatsoever (unless you count my years in the Boy Scouts).

I think April is the month for the observance of National Turn-Off the TV Week. Why dont you turn off the tube and do a little reading. It'll do you some good.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Everything's Different...Everything's the same

I'm not really sure where to even go with this tonight. So much has happened. So many things have taken place. Massive tornadoes bringing deathly devastation rocked our region a week and half ago. I moved from Paducah, KY to Fairfield, IL. I started a new ministry at the CP Church here in town. I've met a jillion people. Been involved in some disaster relief efforts. Spent the first of 12 weeks without my family. Not killed the dog yet. Got situated in a new office. Finally found my dress socks...in the box labeled "Movies & Games." Opened a new bank account. Seen tons and tons of friends. Am making many new ones too! Greeted the family in the new house for their first weekend trip. Almost figured out the new cable remote. DiMaggios. DiMaggios. DiMaggios. I've gagged at the taste of city water. Gone to the Women's Meeting. 3 Pork Burgers. Upwards Basketball. HOPE International. 90.9 The Vine. Preached a "First Sermon." So many new things, and yet in all the newness there has been a real familiarity to it all. The familiar presence of Christ and His reassuring arms around me remind me I am not alone in all of this. He still longs to order each step. He still fulfills His promise to never leave me nor forsake me. When I am nervous and afraid, He is still my Strong Tower. When I am uncertain, He is still my Wonderful Counselor. When I am alone, He is my Comfort. So while my life has sort of been turned upside down, nothing's really changed. Holding fast to the hand of He who is the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow helps keep things in proper perspective. Everything's different...Everything's the same.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Changing of the Hoodie...

Well, its official. Tomorrow I change my hoodie. Its not that big of a deal, and yet it is. To me, its everything. I know, you dont really care what I wear...afterall, I'm no fashionista, not since I traded in my parachute pants and break-dance Nike's for plain ol' Levi's and RedWings. But it matters. At least in my mind it does. I've been a Lone Oak Purple Flash for the past 8 years. I've got the hoodie to prove it. I wear it so I can be identified...my loyalty, my passion, my civic allegience, my pride. That's been my team. I mean, I've not been a diehard or anything, ie. no cowbell or such, but if there was ever a brawl in the streets I would have to look for purple, cause that's my color and that's how I roll.

But tomorrow things change. Tomorrow I'm not purple anymore. Tomorrow, I'm red and black. I've traded my lightning bolt for a mule. Tomorrow I'm a Fairfield Mule. Again! And I'm excited about that. It's a new hoodie, but it feels comfortably familiar. I still have a lot of "goodbyes" to say here, but I also have a lot of "hello's" in the making too. As I've tried to process the events of this day I keep hearing the words of a song that has brought me a lot of comfort the past few years. It makes me feel really good tonight. I'm reminded that God holds us all really close to His heart regardless of where we're at in this crazy-amazing-awkward journey of abundant life that He gives us.

GOD OF MY DAYS Gateway Worship
You awaken my heart from slumbering
Meet me in mourning, and You speak to my grief
You're the light in my darkness, the delight of my eyes
The hope of the daybreak when the sun's slow to rise
I trust that every moment's in Your hands

You're the God of my days, the King of my nights
Lord of my laughter, sovereign in sorrow
You're the Prince of my praise, the love of my life
You never leave me, You are faithful, God of my days

You unveil my eyes, help me to see
The arms of my Father encircling me
You're a constant companion, I am never alone
Your love is the banner that's leading me home
I trust that every moment's in Your hands

You're the God of my days, the King of my nights
Lord of my laughter, sovereign in sorrow
You're the Prince of my praise, the love of my life
You never leave me, You are faithful, God of my days

My eyes are on You, my hope is in You
My faith is in You
My eyes are on You, my hope is in You
My faith is in You

God of my days, the King of my nights
Lord of my laughter, sovereign in sorrow
You're the Prince of my praise, the love of my life
You never leave me, You are faithful
God of my days
God of my days
God of my days

I pray this song over the purple people and the red and black people who fill my life to overflowing. May you know the fullness of God and the presence of Christ as much as you've helped and will continue to help me know to Him. To God be the Glory! Be Blessed!

Monday, February 13, 2012

The Blizzard of 2012...rant!!!!!!!!

I'm going to break out of my recent pattern and rant for just a minute. If I only correctly used Scripure about half of the time, or showed up to preach every other Sunday...I'm pretty sure I'd be looking for a job. If half the patients sitting in my Dr's Office waiting room died there...I'm pretty sure Hawkeye would wind up giving prostate exams at the State Penn. If Michael Jordan only only made half the shots he took...he would've been sold to the Super Sonics after a marginal career for the Illini. If the Oil Change Guy only put in 3 quarts instead of the mandatory 6....he'd be enjoying his new position as "air pressure in the tires" guy. Are you following me here? If professional people only got it right half of the time, they'd no longer be professionals....they'd be unemployed. Today was the long awaited day it was supposed to snow. We've had Weather Service Winter Weather Advisory's. The Weather Forecasters on the TV have warned us of our impending doom. The mobile warning apps on my so-called smart phone have had me seeking shelter and solace in the arms of Jesus all day. And yet here I sit wondering how I'm going to make a snow man out of the mud and leaves I see in the front yard...contemplating the thigh-friction I'll produce making a sod angel in the yard...wondering just what in the sam heck I'm going to do with 15 loaves of bread and 4 gallons of milk...This is fraudulent! Absurd! Down right wrong. How can they toy with our emotions like that. How can they live with themselves, taunting school teachers and school children alike, with the hopes of a break from the hellish day they will certainly have tomorrow. There's got to be a petition we can sign, or a facebook fanpage or a group or something in farmville we can join, surely there's a "we are the 99%" protest we can be a part of. This lunacy has got to stop! This ends my rant. Thanks for listening.

Friday, February 10, 2012

The Image of Christ.

This post has been a long time coming. A really long time. Every once in a while God binds my heart to someone else. He creates for me relationships that are so lopsided in my favor that all I can do is simply enjoy them for the gift that they are. To be inspired, encouraged and blessed beyond all measure...that's what's happening to me in this relationship. Its not everyday you get to meet a hero...a real, honest to goodness hero. The tall-building-leaping, speeding-bullet-racing kind of hero. But I've done more than meet, I've become friends with not one of my heroes, but two of them---at the same time. To be able to call 2 heroes of the faith my friends, and to include them in my family and to be included into theirs...what an honor. What an incredible blessing! Boyce & Beth Wallace are missionaries in Colombia, South America. They have been for almost 50 years. They have touched more lives and blessed more more people than there are stars in the sky. What's so neat to me is that after all this time, they are still excited about Jesus. They still get worked up about telling others about Jesus, especially those who've never heard of Him. And though they have technically retired, they still work tirelessly to make the hope and grace and love of Christ known to all. Beth is the perpetual mother who never appears to tire of doting over her "children." She has this compassionate, loving way about her that convinces you instantly..."I LOVE YOU. I'M HERE FOR YOU. I CARE ABOUT YOU." She listens to your ramblings. Laughs at your jokes. And she weeps when she tells you "goodbye." Everytime. She has this way of seeing where the world has caused its bruises, and once she sees them she works at getting them healed. How awesome is that? Her encouragement and inspiration know no limits. I am blessed. Boyce is Boyce! I know you're not supposed to use a word in the definition of that word, but that's all I've got. He escapes description and definition. You'd think at 80+ the wheels of wit and wisdom would've accumulated enough life-grit that they'd spin a little slower than they once did. Not the case. Just the other day when I was with them this quick witted saint put on a show. We had been to a mission church in the Pacific Coast Region of Colombia. To get to the church we had to walk down this little muddy alley. Needless to say, Boyce accumulated a little mud on his fancy boots. The next day his lovely bride commented that he hadn't cleaned the mud off his boots. "Neither have you!" was his response. How hilarious is that? But he's more than just funny, Boyce is so smart and so relevant. Relevant to an era that really isn't his any more. His insight for the church holds more value than all the modern marketing schlopp that currently clogs the shelves of the Christian bookstores in my neck of the woods. This couple gives and gives and gives. Their generosity is outmatched only by their love and affection for Christ and His Kingdom. They spread LIFE wherever they go. They've caused LIFE to grow up in me. You may never have the chance to meet Boyce & Beth, but I pray you find the "Wallace's" that God has put in your life. And when you do find them, absorb everything you can from them. Those who have lived for so long in such close proximity to the King have tons to teach us about royalty! I thank you Father, for my friends. And for their ministry and their faithfulness to You. And for their love that has found its mark in the lives of so many, especially me and my family. Continue to bless them in Christ. Amen.

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Kinda cool.

OK, so if you've been checking this blog out for any length of time, you know...I dont have the foggiest idea what I'm doing. I dont update it unless I'm off on some sort of trip, I never change the format...yada yada yada. Well, I got to messing around with all of the user controls and what-nots and I found the coolest thing. There is a "statistics" feature that lets me see how many people are looking at my blog and where they're from. There's a cool little map with little red dots. (They had me with the map, the dots were just over the top!) Anyway, I noticed there are some viewers in the USA. Duh. I figured that much. There were some in Colombia...again, expected. But I was surprised to see Uganda, Germany and Slovokia listed. I have a few friends in Uganda, I dont think I know anybody in Germany, and I dont even have a clue as to where Slovokia is. How crazy is that????? Slovokia??? Really. So for days now, I keep checking to see if you people from far off lands are still checking in...and you are! That is so cool to me. It's like my helium balloon with my address card inside it from the 5th grade has finally landed. I'm global! Mr. Smysor I want my extra credit points!!!! I'm small. I think small. I live small. So to have folks from 5-6 different countries interacting with me through my blog-thing is just too much for me to handle. So I have a favor...all of you from different regions of the world who honor me with your presence...leave me a message, send an email, launch a balloon back...do something. Who are you? Why on earth would you stop here? The suspense of all this is killing me. Please, for my sanity...for my family's quality of life...leave a comment. I'm so intrigued by this. Got to go Google Slovokia. Be Blessed.

Slide Show Posted

For those of you who are interested, Freddy Carter got his slide show put together and Bob got it posted on the website over at www.newhopecpchurch.org Take a few minutes and go check it out. If you have any questions about how you can support the advancement of God's Kingdom in Colombia's Pacific Coast ministry, just let me know, I'll be glad to point you to the right folks. Thanks Freddy & Bob for all of your work. Be Blessed!

Monday, February 06, 2012

Mission Accomplished!

The first picture is of Mery, the administrator of Campamento El Coro. She has just been given the keys to each of the 4 apartment rooms that we constructed. She was overjoyed at the completion of our work because it will enable the camp to expand its opportunities for ministry. That, and I told her that one of the keys was actually the key to my heart. She is such a sweet, devoted servant of Christ. She receives no pay for her duties, she simply does it because of her love for Christ. All the bookwork, all the scheduling, all the oversight, all the EVERYTHING!!!! She does it as a labor of love. What an inspiration. (personal note: she is also the best cook in all of South America!) The second picture is looking down the hallway of completed apartments. The dust still fills the air...this photo is fresh! We almost ran out of time, but in the last 10 hours everything came together just like it was supposed to. We didn't finish the floors and we didn't get to finish all the painting, but anyone can come in and do that. There is a womens retreat scheduled very soon for the facility, so I expect it will be completed sometime this week. If I get any photos, I will be sure to put them up. Thanks again for all your prayers and support. With the increased price of airfare, we had to ask for extra help. A huge heartfelt THANK YOU goes out to the following churches: New Hope CP Bethel CP Highland CP Fairfield CP These churches went above and beyond the call of duty to kick in some extra support to purchase materials and supplies so that we could do the best job possible. Other individuals sent in some money as well. God knows who! Thank You on behalf of all the children, youth and young adults who will be blessed by your gift. Be Blessed Jeff

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Thank you!

Just wanted you to know......we did it! We completed our project with enough time left to pack, worship and play Uno with Wilsons family at some point later on tonight. We will board the bus at 4 am and head to the airport for a full day of travel. We have a crappy all day layover in Miami. I will spend it sleeping on the floor like a hobo! And yes, i am kind of proud of that. Our team has worked very hard, played hard and loved one another immensley. I hope we will continue this lifestyle when we return home. These are the sorts of people God will use to move His kingdom forward. Got tons to do, i will work next week on posting pics for those of you who wish to see them. Maybe next time you'll come with!
Be blessed!

Help us!

I really should be working, but....
I felt i could better serve the team if i involved all of you. We leave for the airport in 20 hours...we still have 3 days worth of work to complete our project. Nerves are a little thin and everybody is wearing down. Time is short and so are our patience...you get the picture. Please pray that we accomplish what we set out to do in a way that glorifies our Lord.

Yesterday we had to go to Cali for more supplies so we also included a bit of personal shopping as well. So thankful Stephi cleared her schedule to babysit us at the mall. We saw lots of interesting and beautiful things along the way. We also entrusted Alan to Jairo Lopez for the remainder of his time here.

One of the things that haunts me is the knowledge i gained over the weekend. 1000$ will buy the materials to build a mission church along the river where there are many unreached people. How much money do i waste in the course of a month? A year? How much could i do with what the Lord has blessed my family with...that which will matter in eternity....but i waste and squander it on myself. Temporary happiness. Momentary fun. Leisure. Recreation. Keeping up with the Jones's. If ive learned anything about Jesus its this: selflessness and sacrifice ought to be words that describe me as a follower of Christ, yet sadly it seldom does. I wrap myself up in me, my family, my comfort...all the while people die without Christ and basic human necessities. Whats wrong with this? Whats wrong with me? Whats wrong with the church? I pray dear Lord that i might have eyes that see as broadly as yours, i pray for a heart that is as compassionate and loving as yours. I pray for a backbone and resolve that makes me more like You. I pray for a church thats downwardly mobile and outwardly focused, that we might be the "lady you want to date" so that we dont disappoint you, the Bridegroom.
Be blessed.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Wow is all Ive got to say!

Today has been one of those days where God has had to show up, and as usual, He did it with some class. At lunch time we were informed that Patrick's grandad was in the hospital in serious condition. It wasnt long after that that we were informed that his grandfather had gone on to be with Jesus. At that point we gathered around our brother and friend and prayed our hearts out for him and his family. We immediately moved into "help get Patrick home" mode. That proved to be difficult. Airlines can be pretty crappy these days, and today they were. American Airlines really stuck it to us. But he will be on a plane tomorrow because God is great. We have a great mission team who really knows how to give selflessly.

On a side note, let me say the christian community has lost one of its giants today. Bert Owen was an amazing churchman who loved the Lord and sought to glorify Him by his service to the church.

It was difficult to maintain normalcy in a day that was far from routine, but we did work hard and make a lot of progress on our projects today. If everything goes as planned, we might actually begin to paint and start some finish work after lunch tomorrow.

Tonight we are playing Uno with Wilson and his daughter Andrea. I couldnt type and draw 4 at the same time so i yielded my hand to Jake. Our devotion was led by pastor Wilfried from Buenaventura. He shared a lot about the faith of his father that spread throughout his entire household. He, his 9 siblings and mother were all led to Christ by his dad! Dads, pastor your families!!!!! Nothing else you do matters if you blow it in this regard. We sang both spanish and english hymns, accompanied by Wilfried on his guitar. He is a master. It was a great time to praise God as we prayed for our friends and family and miss marie and miss sandy (please get better soon you two very special ladies!)

As i end my blog tonight i do so with my friend patricio on my mind, may God heal your broken heart and carry you home quickly!
Be blessed.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

An amazing day!

TodaY has been one of the more interesting days of my life. We rose early to go to Buenaventura for worship. This is about a 2-3 hour bus ride down the mountain. We traveled through three different climate sytems, the coolest one to look at was the tropical rain forest. What a neat sight for those of us whove never seen anything like this before.

In Buenaventura we stopped at 2 mission churches before going to the big church. These were small in size, but they were HUGE in love. These exceptionally dark skinned believers hugged and kissed us all the way into the building. They stopped their service to applaud us as we all made a bee line for the bathroom. After introductions were made we posed for a photo at the church and then got back on the bus to go to the second mission point. The music at the second church could be heard a block away. They were certainly getting their praise on. From there we headed to the big church for worship and lunch. Buenaventura is a port city on the Pacific coast of Colombia. That being the case, it is exceptionally HOT! We sat with 250 of our newest friends as we worshipped and perspired together, all in the name of Jesus. We got up and sang a few songs them, then the pastor preached. Following the sermon, there were 8 or so ministerial candidates presented before the church!!!! Boyce called on me to pray over them. What a cool time.

Lunch was next on our list, and we scored big time. Fried fish! Red Snapper, heads still on, and it was without a doubt the best fish ive eaten, ever. The fish was seasoned with lemon and salt, and it was amazing. I know they sacrificed a lot to provide it for us and i am so thankful, but i wouldve killed for a couple more of those. I even ate the "head meat" which came out really easy if you snapped the head off and slurped real hard!

After lunch we went to a park at the ocean and took pictures and perspired. From there we went to a big store and bought snacks, coffee and Jet chocolate bars (Hunter & Baylee...daddy scored big time!). We were a complete freak show, as the entire mall stopped to check us out. It was here that a large number of kids surrounded the bus awaiting our return from shopping. I think they were begging for money, but they passed their time drawing phallic symbols in the dust on the bus. One boy extended his hand to shake, and when Julian, our reident sasquatch shook his hand the boy nearly passed out. He couldnt believe how big Julians hands were and proceeded to gather all of his friends to see the new spectacle.

The bus ride home was long and rough and uneventful. Thankfully as we got closer to the top of our mountain, the temperature began to drop. As always, the rapid change in altitude has given most of us excruciating headaches and we are preparing for bed early. We brought 2 pastors back to camp to work with us for a few days. Hopefully tomorrow will be a day of much progress as we have a lot to do before the week is over.

Many of us are homesick, myself included. I have to say, my wife is amazing for the way she supports my ministry. I couldnt be here if she werent so understanding and willing for me to do these trips. I love you darling! Keep us in your prayers.
Be blessed

Friday, January 27, 2012

Smurfette is here!

Buenos dias mi amigos! At this ver moment i am sitting on the porch looking out over a valley thats approximately 30 miles wide. These mountains are truly incredible....footprints of a mighty God that bring me to my knees in praise! I will post photos when i get home. Words caanot begin to describe the beauty of this place.

Last night for our devotion we watched the movie Courageous, and though we were all very tired we were inspired by the Word as it was portrayed on screen. It was unanimous...we all want to be better me when we return home. Pray for us. I believe Scripture says something like iron sharpening iron, and that is certainly what it will take. One of the things im noticing is that as i miss my wife and children incredibly, im actually able to prayfor them with the intensity that captures Gods fervance. To keep this intensity when i return has the opportunity to be life changing for our whole family.

Most of us had warmish showers last night. Julian and i were the last 2 to get a shower....needless to say, i squeeled like a little girl. I went in a man and came out Smurfette. I have never been so blue or so cold in my entire life. we all slept well and are ready to work today. However, there is a minor snag...100 students from the Colegio are coming out to the camp today. We will wind up visiting and letting them practice their english on us. That will be cool, but not good for our projects. But likei said the other day, the work really isnt the important part.

Oh yeah, before iforget, pray that we can find a few heaters. Temps plummetted last night and we like to froze. Damp and about 45 with lots of missing windows. Boyce lit a fire in the fireplace of his cabin, but the flew was inadequate. It would have been great for smoking hams! Thankfully, not my cabin. Weve got a busy day ahead, so i need to go. The question i ended our devotion with last night is what i leave you with today...."what are you willing to do for God?". I pray youre doing that today!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Today has started off very well. Work has begun and the steel framework of our project is about a fourth of the way up. Its taken a bit of work to figure out both the how and what, but now that we're in the know, everything is a go. The "skilled" laborers are on the framing, the rest of us carried sheetrock up the mountain. Its going to take a while to get over the burn of that!

Our Colombian friends greeted us last night with fresh coffee and homemade chicken soup....at 11 pm. We had a huge breakfast of eggs and arepas this morning, and we just ate a huge lunch of ajiaco soup with rice, salad, chicken legs and lolo juice. How on earth are we supposed to work in these conditions?

On a side note, upon our arrival to the camp, even in the dark we could tell alot of work had been here. Since our first trip, presbyterial interest in the camp has really grown. Itis not out of the ordinary for several people a week to come up and use or work on a project here. God has been using our previous trips in ways we never knew or planned for.

As you pray for us, please pray for our health as some of the guys are dealing with colds and exhaustion. Pray that we might be good witnesses and faithful servants. Pray for our families back home as they try to function without us. And finally, pray for each of the men on our team...jake, albert, jon, patrick, fred, freddy, reese, bill, julian, allan & myself. Our greatest hope is to return home better men. That we might be the leaders in our homes, our work and our churches that God desires us to be.
Be blessed

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

We made it!

Just a quickie to let you know we made it safe and sound. No problems. All is well. All of us are exhausted after 2-ish hours of sleep in 48 hours. More tomorrow!
Be blessed...we are!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Last Things......................

Bags are Packed!!!!
48.8 & 49.4 pounds. Here's hoping the bathroom scales are close to accurate. Just wanted to throw a shout out while I still had a full sized keyboard.

As it stands now, there are 7 of us from New Hope, 1 from Fredonia, 1 from Graves Co. and one from San Francisco...all headed to Colombia in less than 24 hours. Some of us can't wait to get there and jump into some old and dear friendships, some of us are pretty nervous. Some of us score somewhere in between. But all of us cannot wait to see how our Lord shows up and brings glory to Himself. I'm starting to learn its less about the work that we do and more about the witness that we bear. Dont get me wrong, we'll work like dogs (which is easy to say as my Yorkie lays here on my feet sound asleep), but the work is just a means/excuse to be there.

During our devotional time, we will be using the movie "Courageous" and the accompanying Bible Study. My hope is that the 11 of us return home ready to step up to the plate and be the men we were made to be...in our homes, our church, our work and our communities. For me, I deeply desire to be a better husband and father. God has blessed me with such an amazing family, for me to fall short in their lives is no longer acceptable. I hope others on the trip will echo that same sentiment as well. The great part about the movie is that it is also in Spanish...which means our host family will be able to be a part of times of worship. Who knows, they may want to call up their neighbors and friends and view it together. From what I gather, masculine spirituality is struggling in Colombia as much as it is here.

So for now, I ask that you pray for our faithfulness when we cross your mind. That we might know what to say and how to say it when the Lord opens up the opportunity. Pray that we will all get along and dress ourselves up in smiles and laughter every morning. Pray that the joy of the Lord would be our strength and our song.
Thanks, and be blessed!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Final Systems Check

Just wanted to run a quick test and make sure everything works on this side of the ocean. Hopefully it will work on that side too. I am excited, nervous about all the things that could go wrong, and also feeling just a little guilty for going off and leaving the family behind. God, please watch over our team and all of our families while were away. Use us for your glory!

Friday, January 20, 2012

It's that time of year again!

Next week I'll be leading yet another trip to Colombia, S.A. to ascend the Andes Mountains northeast of Cali, to the community of Dagua. Its mostly just a mountain top with several scattered homes and small business. But it is incredibly beautiful. The elevation is something like 90 jillion feet up...ok, not quite that high, but something like 7800 feet. More than a mile up. The oxygen is thin, and the weather is a little on the cool side. The 9 day forecast says Wednesday's high will be 66 and the low will be 64. I dont think I read that right because it seems to be much cooler than that at night. At that altitude, sunburns happen pretty fast during the afternoon when the sun is shining. Much of the time the clouds encompass us. Everything drips moisture...making it the most deep and luscious green place I've ever been.

The camp caretaker, Wilson, will fill our days with laughter...he is one of the most personable people I've met. I wish I knew more spanish than what I've learned off the menu at Los Amigos, because I'd love to sit and share stories with him. Mery, the camp director will be there supervising the kitchen...she will work way more than us...as we will eat like kings.

We will be building apartments in an upstairs dormitory to facilitate marriage retreats. Most of us have done drywall work at some point, but only a few in our group have worked with metal studs (Not a reference to Dee Snyder). It should be interesting as we figure this all out.

We hope to be worshipping in BeunaVentura on our Sunday. It is a coastal fishing/port city about 30 miles from the camp to the northeast. This will be a new twist to our schedule, and I am very excited about seeing a new part of the Colombian church. As always, we will be blessed more than we will be a blessing. I hope you will continue to check back and track our progress. Hopefully, all the high tech stuff I've arranged to work will actually work when I get there. It rarely works as I've planned and payed for, but who knows...maybe this time things will fall into place. If not, I will try and provide a review of our journey afterwards.

Keep us in your prayers, that we will be effective servants of Christ, giving Him all the glory He deserves, in whatever circumstances we find ourselves in.