Friday, February 10, 2012
The Image of Christ.
This post has been a long time coming. A really long time. Every once in a while God binds my heart to someone else. He creates for me relationships that are so lopsided in my favor that all I can do is simply enjoy them for the gift that they are. To be inspired, encouraged and blessed beyond all measure...that's what's happening to me in this relationship. Its not everyday you get to meet a hero...a real, honest to goodness hero. The tall-building-leaping, speeding-bullet-racing kind of hero. But I've done more than meet, I've become friends with not one of my heroes, but two of them---at the same time. To be able to call 2 heroes of the faith my friends, and to include them in my family and to be included into theirs...what an honor. What an incredible blessing!
Boyce & Beth Wallace are missionaries in Colombia, South America. They have been for almost 50 years. They have touched more lives and blessed more more people than there are stars in the sky. What's so neat to me is that after all this time, they are still excited about Jesus. They still get worked up about telling others about Jesus, especially those who've never heard of Him. And though they have technically retired, they still work tirelessly to make the hope and grace and love of Christ known to all.
Beth is the perpetual mother who never appears to tire of doting over her "children." She has this compassionate, loving way about her that convinces you instantly..."I LOVE YOU. I'M HERE FOR YOU. I CARE ABOUT YOU." She listens to your ramblings. Laughs at your jokes. And she weeps when she tells you "goodbye." Everytime. She has this way of seeing where the world has caused its bruises, and once she sees them she works at getting them healed. How awesome is that? Her encouragement and inspiration know no limits. I am blessed.
Boyce is Boyce! I know you're not supposed to use a word in the definition of that word, but that's all I've got. He escapes description and definition. You'd think at 80+ the wheels of wit and wisdom would've accumulated enough life-grit that they'd spin a little slower than they once did. Not the case. Just the other day when I was with them this quick witted saint put on a show. We had been to a mission church in the Pacific Coast Region of Colombia. To get to the church we had to walk down this little muddy alley. Needless to say, Boyce accumulated a little mud on his fancy boots. The next day his lovely bride commented that he hadn't cleaned the mud off his boots. "Neither have you!" was his response. How hilarious is that? But he's more than just funny, Boyce is so smart and so relevant. Relevant to an era that really isn't his any more. His insight for the church holds more value than all the modern marketing schlopp that currently clogs the shelves of the Christian bookstores in my neck of the woods.
This couple gives and gives and gives. Their generosity is outmatched only by their love and affection for Christ and His Kingdom. They spread LIFE wherever they go. They've caused LIFE to grow up in me. You may never have the chance to meet Boyce & Beth, but I pray you find the "Wallace's" that God has put in your life. And when you do find them, absorb everything you can from them. Those who have lived for so long in such close proximity to the King have tons to teach us about royalty!
I thank you Father, for my friends. And for their ministry and their faithfulness to You. And for their love that has found its mark in the lives of so many, especially me and my family. Continue to bless them in Christ. Amen.
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