Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Things you might need to know about your pastor.

I guess I’d never given it much thought before, but today it struck me like the smell of cooked cabbage: “It might be good if the folks at church got to know a little bit more about me.” I’m not your average minister, heck I’m really not average anything. Sometimes I can be a little strange, sometimes I can be a lot strange. I fail a whole lot more frequently than I succeed. Sometimes I can be in the room, but I’m not really present. I fluctuate several times a day between ADD and S.T.O.P. (that spells stop!) So, anyhow, it hit me like a bad smell…You need the chance to get to know me. So for a few days I’ll post a few things about myself and give you the chance to try and understand me.
TODAY I’ll begin with a bit about my personal life. I wasn’t always the sweet angel you currently know. I went through a strong period of rebellion and am so blessed my Heavenly Father was gracious enough to yell so loudly that I could hear His plea to “come home.” After a fairly thorough college and seminary career, I was ordained in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in 1996. 2 years later I married my only True Love. I have the most incredible wife on the planet. She is beautiful, intelligent, loving and devoted to the cause of Christ. I bug the snot out of her because she’s my wife. You don’t get to bug the snot out of her because she’s my wife. ( I really don’t mean that as rude as it sounds, I just had to get it out there.)

I have 2 wonderful kids. They are not perfect. Neither are they to be treated as such. It’s not every day that I quote Hillary Clinton, but somehow she managed to tap into the wisdom of God when she declared “It takes a village to raise a child.” It takes all of us to help our children “learn the rules and stay in bounds.” Its ok to correct my children when they cross the line, in fact, I’ll be offended if you don’t. (please no leather straps or pepper spray, a good scolding and the ensuing shame is usually all it takes). But also know this…as wonderful as your kids are, they aren’t perfect either, and from time to time I will help guide them back inbounds should they get off course. It’s the way God designed things.

As for hobbies, I love just about everything, everything except golf (I will occasionally make an exception and play a round if it helps a greater cause.)and basketball. I love to be outside. Camping, hunting, fishing, hiking, mowing, cutting firewood, playing Bocce and lawn-chair riding are some of my favorites. I love to read. I really love to read. If you want me to ignore you, just give me a book. I enjoy cooking, but not so much the cleaning up afterward. I am currently coveting one of those Big Green Egg Cookers, but I doubt seriously that I will sell the required kidney to be able to afford one. (If you, on the other hand, would like to donate a kidney to my “fancy grill fund” leave a comment below) For most people, mission trips aren’t a hobby, but for me, I love them. I’ve seen God do some amazing things when His people step out of their comfort and culture on His behalf.

I probably watch more tv than I should, but I love programs like Axe Men, Swamp People and Duck Dynasty. Tonight was the premiere of Duck Dynasty…AWESOME. Mostly I like this type of programming because they make me feel so much better about myself, but they are entertaining. Criminal Minds, while usually pretty graphic, engages my thought processes…which is a good thing. Of course I’m a sucker for some throw-back Hee-Haw, Little House on the Prairie and the Dukes of Hazzard. I never liked Touched by an Angel.

I’m an Illini fan and currently hoping Shaka Smart gets the Men’s Basketball Coaching job. He’d be awesome. Not sure about what the football team needs…I’m in favor of letting the Women’s Volleyball Coach have a stab at it. Baseball is St. Louis Cardinals ALL THE WAY! And the real shocker…when it comes to the NFL, I am probably the only Detroit Lions fan south of Detroit. Not sure how that happened, maybe it was Barry Sanders, but who really knows.

Anyhow, that’s a little about me. Check back in a day or two and I’ll post about the “Professional” side of me. The “How I go about being a pastor” stuff. (I’m sure the suspense is already killing you!)

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