Saturday, June 07, 2008

Japan - Morning of Day 3

Here's me and the two little girl scouts that were directing us to the location of the Koza CP Church. I was really missing my own kids about this time, so I'm chalking this one up to the Lord taking care of my "Daddy" needs. I am missing my home today. Have been on instant messenger since about 3 AM. I still cannot sleep over here.

I've talked to Drew and he assures me that all is well, as i I could do anything about it if it weren't. Have talked to Bert today as well. Sounds like she is doing well managing everything. I hope she has time to tend the garden, because it has got to be looking pretty rough by now.

I have seen the same spool on CNN at least 3 times this morning already. I was hoping I could watch American tv on the computer, but all of the main networks dont allow viewing from locations outside the US.

I will be going to worship in a few hours at a local church. That should be exciting. Then the business of GA committees begins in the afternoon and will hopefully conclude for the day around 9 PM. I have been so tired that 9 PM is going to be tough to get to. I am hoping that tonight is the night I get my sleep habits back. Who knows though. I think after all is said and done, Karaoke is on the agenda for this evening. I've been practicing my John Denver. "Life aint nothin' but a funny, funny riddle.......Thank God I'm a country boy." Ought to be a dandy, at least in my mind.

I do have a prayer concern that I'd pass along. My brother Jason told Bert that his wife, Kelley, may be headed in to the hospital to have their baby. She has been having some blood pressure issues, but that's all I know. The baby wasn't due to arrive until sometime around the 17th. Pray that all goes well for them. I was really hoping to be home for this, but....

At any rate, I will post more later. Keep all of us Americans in your prayers. This is a radically different way of living than any of us are used to.

He Has Made Me Glad!



Anonymous said...

Glad to see you met some of our fellow sisters overseas!! Maybe they could help you out on your food situation, not real sure how to say Samoas in Japanese though!! We're praying for ya!!

Anonymous said...

My daughter (Jessica Ford) is with the Rennaisance Chorus from Bethel that is currently in Japan. I stumbled across this site while looking for any news of the trip.

If you happen to get a chance, tell her that her daddy misses her and is waiting anxiously to hear all about this wonderful experience!

Thanks, and there's a group back here in Nashville that's praying for this to be safe and blessed trip!

jeff said...

Jack, welcome to my spot. I lived in Nashville for a while. I had the priveledge and honor of meeting your daughter and worshipping with her and having lunch with her today at Naruse CP Church. We had a great time. You would certainly be proud of how well she and the rest of the group have performed and behaved. Thanks for checking out my site. It will be updated throughout the course of each day and sometimes several times a day.

Dusty Luthy said...

Jeff, see if you can find some sushi rolls that include deepfried shrimp. Douse them in a little soy sauce, and they will surprise you at how good they can be. If you don't like sushi there, Adam and I will take you and Bert to Tokoyo sushi in Paducah for the real deal. :)

And to get on their sleep time, try taking some Tylenol PM or Dramamine (I'm sure I'm not the first to suggest this). I used some PMs for a few days in France. They will at least conk you out for a few hours and will help you adjust to Japan time.