Our day began early at McDonald's again, (Just like today will soon begin) with a few McGriddles and hash browns. From there we were greeted by our escorts, Takishi Kanazashi and Tomoko Kasahara. They were really neat, neat people. Takishi is a very accomplished international musician. His wife is not a church goer, and you could see a little bit of sadness in his eyes as he shared that fact with us. Tomoko is a young lady who wants to come to America and see a farm. She's been formally invited to New Hope. The worship service was very much like our worship services, except the baby's yell in Japanese. Though Baby Japanese does sound a lot like Baby English.
Following the service we were asked to leave the church. That's not what they meant, but that's how it came out. So funny. While we were standing around outside, inside all of the pews were rearranged and wha-la, we were in the fellowship hall. There were 7 tables, (one of which is pictured above) loaded with food. Correction.....Japanese food. I loaded up my plate, returned to my spot and prayed the great missionary prayer that I learned on my trip to South America: Dear Lord, I'll get it down, if you keep it down. Remarkably, I picked good!!!!!!!! None of the stuff that I got was too un-tastey. Although one of the singers from Bethel took this sort of raw wan-ton looking thing, tossed it in her mouth and then gagged it right back up into her hand. That was nice.
Dusty, just so you know, I've tried about 14 dozen different Sushi rolls. I will never find one, that is to me, in the edible department. There is just something about that flavor that I can't get beyond. We were served those on the plain a few times, and have been served them at every meal so far here. I have been fair. I have tried and tried them. It just aint gonna happen.
We did have fresh cherries from a local cherry tree. Tokyo is very famous for the Cherry Blossom Festival that takes place in the spring. Those were the ticket. The fruit here is fantastic. Again, not quite as good as Colombia, but not bad.
Following lunch, an elder in the church served as MC for all sorts of fun and games. We all had to show on the Map where we were from. Then we had to tell about ourselves and all about our trip. Then we had the girls from Bethel sing again. Good stuff. I have never enjoyed a special music any more than I did during our "gong show." When they found out I was a minister they almost fell out. They thought I was a student at Bethel University!!! I am so young!!!!!!!Sweet!!!!
Committee meetings began at 4. I am on the Committee dealing with Chaplains, Missions and Ministries. We took a break at 6, and then resumed until 8:30 PM. I fell asleep 4 times after our supper break. Jet Lag Rules! Our committee generally is one that has very little business to attend. However, given last years proclammation that the church enter a 5 year period of Evangelism Emphasis, we are taking it upon ourselves to encourage all of the Church Boards and Agencies to work together to produce a plan that goes beyond "telling everybody to do evangelism." Part of me is excited, for this could truly be a great turning point in the life of the church. Part of me is heartbroken. Any church that has to make a special announcement regarding an emphasis in evangelism has obviously strayed far, far, far from the heart of God.
We will begin meeting in a few hours and will go until the wee hours of the night, or until we are through. Hopefully, we will all show up with a unified vision from the Lord for what is to take place. Assembly officially opens for business on Tuesday Morning. My committee is pretty neat. We have a minister and an elder from the Hong Kong Church, A minister and her husband (as translator) from Laos, and an elder from the Hispanic Church in Boston. Rather than the usual make up of Good 'ole Boys from West Tennessee. With the good sleep that I finally got last night, I should be a little more "into" what is going on today. Please pray that God pours out His Spirit on us. It would be so awesome for this Historic Meeting of GA to become historic for more than just the "Japan Factor." May this be the GA where the Church experiences a "pentecost" of sorts that drives us with evangelistic fervor into the future.
That's about all for now.
He Has Made Me Glad!
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