OK, for what its worth, the Walton's could be one of the greatest families in the world. Sure, they were make-believe, but their values, ethics and relationships created (and still create) for the viewer a strong desire to have what they have. At least that's what happens to me every time I sit down and happen upon an episode.
Good Family is kind of like your favorite pair of boots or your favorite pair of jeans or a really good dog. You dont recognize the value of what you have until its no longer there. 80's HairBand, Cinderella mythically nailed it on the head when they crooned, "Ya dont know what you got til it's gone."
For me, this is the real down side of life in the ministry. Very few ministers seldom get to remain in their home community and minister among their friends and family. Those that do have a hard time achieving success. The rest of us find ourselves humming Kansas'..."dust in the wind, all we are is..."
The first church I served full-time was in Nashville, TN. It was a fantastic church filled with all sorts of fantastic people. I am so thankful for those who took me in and made me a part of their families. I truly believe I'd be back home making oil filters had I not been authentically welcomed into several families there. And I dont just mean on Easter and Steak Night. Sitting in someone elses home eating hot dogs on the couch while watching the WWF meant more than "just being the youth minister of their church." It meant I was a part of their family and was welcomed in the mundane and not just the monumental. It wasn't family, but it was pretty darn close.
As we welcome a new Youth Pastor here at New Hope, I am confident that many of our families will open up their hearts and their homes to Drew. I just want to remind you of how important it is to his whole ministry that you do this. Not only will it bless him as he serves us, but it will bless his ministry 25 years from now wherever he will be at that time.
I still long for home on a daily basis. I hate that I'm not able to stop by and check on my parents and help them out from time to time. I sorely miss having that morning cup of coffee with my brother and best friend (both the same person). Thankfully, New Hope has made me family and they are so much more than substitutes and surrogates. They are mine and I am theirs. I hope we will do the same as Drew comes to minister among us.
Good Night John-Boy!
Jeff there is absolutley no doubt that GOD IS working through you at New Hope. There also is no doubt that you will be proud of the way our church family makes Drew feel welcome. God is working in my family's life in so many ways I can't even put it to words. That will come later. Let's just say my eyes are more open to it now than ever. His will be done.
Stop by anytime and have coffee.Chad
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