That's Seymour Krelborn (Rick Moranis) holding Audrey II ( A Mean, Green mother from outer space) in the 1986 Cult Classic, Little Shop of Horrors. I remember watching this film when it came out way back when. I'm pretty sure I didn't get it. I'm fairly certain I still don't. But the cast was awesome and funny and made me laugh. One of the scenes of the movie was Audrey II, a human blood-sucking flytrap, crying out "Feed Me, Seymour, Feed Me" (Insert the voice of Motown's Levi Stubbs of the 4 Topps).
When I ponder our new Youth Minister Drew, Audrey II is one of the first images that come to mind. Drew came up last week during his spring break to get a feel for what goes on here at New Hope on Wednesday nights. After supper he met with the youth group. After that he met with our current youth workers. After that he came back to our house for "Supper II." And man, can this boy eat. He knows what food is for and where it goes. I felt like Seymour Krelborn trying to gather enough forage for our new "mean, green mother from Outer Space."
Many folks in the church are already beginning to ask, "What can I do to help Drew out when he gets here?" As we welcome Drew to our church staff, please remember that Drew isn't going to be getting rich ministering among us. That's just part of the life of ministry. However, if you want to help him, FEED HIM. Whether you've got kids or not, invite Drew over to your house for a meal, not only will he be blessed, but it'll give you the chance to get to know what a great young servant of the Lord he really is. Take him a pie or some fried chicken. Give him a gift card to Wal-Mart so he can pick out some of his fave's, or a card to Cracker Barrel or some other restaurant. Just Feed Him! It's a simple, yet meaningful way to minister to one the Lord has sent to us. It doesn't sound very "spiritual" yet, look at Jesus. He spent lots of time feeding those who came into His presence.
(By the way Drew, if you are reading this YOU OWE ME!!)
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