I read an awesome story today about the worship services last week of a Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Gadsden, Alabama. Talk about a church that places its trust in the hands of God. I think if I do this right, you can click on this link and it'll take you to the story.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Friday, July 20, 2007
Church Camp!!!!
Today is Friday. Finishing up my messages that I will be sharing with the kids at camp. Keep me and our whole camp in your prayers. If you're reading this, you were lucky enough to spend the night in your home and shower without flip-flops on. We need your prayers, you lucky dogs.
Camp. What a powerful week in the spiritual development of a young person, or even us older ones for that matter. I think in today's world, camp is even more important than it was when I was a kid. Back in the 70's and 80's when I went to camp, it was mostly one of those KUMBAYAH sorts of things, kinda like one of those old Coca-Cola commercials where we wanted to teach the whole world to sing in perfect harmony. But today, given what kids live in, camp as an expression of family, and even as an expression of the early church; carries much more weight than it used to. I think camp presents an alternative or maybe better, an ideal for Christian living that so many kids have never gotten to experience as they struggle for survival in their own environments. Sort of like maybe taking the Stars Wars series back to the 30's and showing it instead of Charlie Chaplin.
Some kids are just forced to grow up in crap. Not just economically, but culturally and morally and theologically. So pray with me...Pray that our Father will reveal Himself in ways that meet our kids where their deepest needs reside. Thanks. jeff
Camp. What a powerful week in the spiritual development of a young person, or even us older ones for that matter. I think in today's world, camp is even more important than it was when I was a kid. Back in the 70's and 80's when I went to camp, it was mostly one of those KUMBAYAH sorts of things, kinda like one of those old Coca-Cola commercials where we wanted to teach the whole world to sing in perfect harmony. But today, given what kids live in, camp as an expression of family, and even as an expression of the early church; carries much more weight than it used to. I think camp presents an alternative or maybe better, an ideal for Christian living that so many kids have never gotten to experience as they struggle for survival in their own environments. Sort of like maybe taking the Stars Wars series back to the 30's and showing it instead of Charlie Chaplin.
Some kids are just forced to grow up in crap. Not just economically, but culturally and morally and theologically. So pray with me...Pray that our Father will reveal Himself in ways that meet our kids where their deepest needs reside. Thanks. jeff
Monday, July 16, 2007
Death by Ministry
I read an interesting series of blogs today that deal with the stresses of pastoral ministry and the dangers of being too busy. While it was written by a pastor for a pastor, I think theres some great insight for anyone who's bit off way more than they're capable of chewing.
Here's the link www.unashamedworkman.wordpress.com
When you get there, look for a box on the left hand side of the screen and click on each part of the series to read the text.
Hope it helps ya.
Here's the link www.unashamedworkman.wordpress.com
When you get there, look for a box on the left hand side of the screen and click on each part of the series to read the text.
Hope it helps ya.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Vacation has ended...
Well, the vacation has ended. As vacations go, it was pretty decent. We started out in Virden, IL on the 4th. Quite a bit of my family lives there and they have the BEST 4th of July carnival on the planet. They have a bunch of homemade rides for the kids (tickets are only a quarter) that you have to see to believe. I rode the same rides 30 years ago as a kid. My mom rode the same rides 30 years before that. The SAME rides. They're all pulled by tractors and lawnmowers. The kind of things that if you caught your kids doing in the back yard you'd kill 'em. It was awesome. Our kids had a ball and so did we. Maybe I'll post a picture of the rides when I find the camera.
From there we went to Enfield, IL where Bert's mom and dad live. She had a doctors appointment on Friday and Bert went along to help. Her mom's breast cancer has metastasized in her brain and the prognosis isn't all that hot. But I'm so proud of my wife and my father-in-law for the way that they have been caring for Judy. Especially my father-in-law. It's said that "you cant teach an old dog new tricks," But that "old dog" has taken up housekeeping (which is a new trick for him) along with his other chores. I give him 2 thumbs up! If you're reading this, would you say a pray for the family, we could sure use it.
Friday night we went to Albion, IL which is my hometown. It is known for 3 things.
1. It is the pork production capital of the world.
2. It is the chowder (thick, nasty veggie and meat soup) capital of the world.
3. Champion Labs. (they make oil filters for just about everything on the planet)
Saturday was PORK DAY, USA. It isn't nearly the grand event that it was (or seemed to be) 20 years ago. But the pork burgers were awesome as always and the parade wasn't half bad either. Saturday night I had my 20th class reunion. It was the first reunion I had been to. Some things never change. The class of 1987 can still outdrink all the rest. That part was pretty sad. But it was great to see some folks I hadn't seen since graduation day. Out of a graduation class of 77 we had around 40 there. I was told we even got our picture in the hometown paper...finally in the paper for not doing something bad!!!
We went to church on Sunday with my brother and his family. The Albion United Methodist Church. This was the second Sunday for their new pastor. He did the funniest thing. There was a guy who kept falling asleep during the service. Every time he dozed off, the pastor would shout "WOOOOOO! I'm filled with the Holy Spirit!" And then sleepy would jump up wide awake. It was great. It happened about 4 times during the whole service. I may add that to my repertoire. It was effective.
From there we headed home and hooked the truck up to the camper and headed to KY lake. We camped at Hillman's Ferry and found it to be a little bit of a disappointment. Bert and her family used to camp there when she was a kid. Apparently she made a lot of good memories there. But as with most everything, what used to be is no longer. The campsites were a little too close together and there were a bunch of them. They no longer have an activities director planning things for the kids. And the people didn't seem to be nearly as friendly as they were in 1978. Still we managed to have a few days of fun, though Baylee has yet to learn to enjoy camping like her brother.
It wasn't the Bahamas or Honolulu, but for this pastor who rarely gets to see his family for more than a few hours at a time, it was fantastic. I never dreamed I'd miss them as much as I do. Homesick at 38...what a sissy. I'll keep holding on to the words of Christ:
Mt 19:29 And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.
Anyhow, I thank God for the week that He blessed us with. Exhausted as I feel, I am somewhat revived in spirit and look forward to preaching again tomorrow.
From there we went to Enfield, IL where Bert's mom and dad live. She had a doctors appointment on Friday and Bert went along to help. Her mom's breast cancer has metastasized in her brain and the prognosis isn't all that hot. But I'm so proud of my wife and my father-in-law for the way that they have been caring for Judy. Especially my father-in-law. It's said that "you cant teach an old dog new tricks," But that "old dog" has taken up housekeeping (which is a new trick for him) along with his other chores. I give him 2 thumbs up! If you're reading this, would you say a pray for the family, we could sure use it.
Friday night we went to Albion, IL which is my hometown. It is known for 3 things.
1. It is the pork production capital of the world.
2. It is the chowder (thick, nasty veggie and meat soup) capital of the world.
3. Champion Labs. (they make oil filters for just about everything on the planet)
Saturday was PORK DAY, USA. It isn't nearly the grand event that it was (or seemed to be) 20 years ago. But the pork burgers were awesome as always and the parade wasn't half bad either. Saturday night I had my 20th class reunion. It was the first reunion I had been to. Some things never change. The class of 1987 can still outdrink all the rest. That part was pretty sad. But it was great to see some folks I hadn't seen since graduation day. Out of a graduation class of 77 we had around 40 there. I was told we even got our picture in the hometown paper...finally in the paper for not doing something bad!!!
We went to church on Sunday with my brother and his family. The Albion United Methodist Church. This was the second Sunday for their new pastor. He did the funniest thing. There was a guy who kept falling asleep during the service. Every time he dozed off, the pastor would shout "WOOOOOO! I'm filled with the Holy Spirit!" And then sleepy would jump up wide awake. It was great. It happened about 4 times during the whole service. I may add that to my repertoire. It was effective.
From there we headed home and hooked the truck up to the camper and headed to KY lake. We camped at Hillman's Ferry and found it to be a little bit of a disappointment. Bert and her family used to camp there when she was a kid. Apparently she made a lot of good memories there. But as with most everything, what used to be is no longer. The campsites were a little too close together and there were a bunch of them. They no longer have an activities director planning things for the kids. And the people didn't seem to be nearly as friendly as they were in 1978. Still we managed to have a few days of fun, though Baylee has yet to learn to enjoy camping like her brother.
It wasn't the Bahamas or Honolulu, but for this pastor who rarely gets to see his family for more than a few hours at a time, it was fantastic. I never dreamed I'd miss them as much as I do. Homesick at 38...what a sissy. I'll keep holding on to the words of Christ:
Mt 19:29 And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.
Anyhow, I thank God for the week that He blessed us with. Exhausted as I feel, I am somewhat revived in spirit and look forward to preaching again tomorrow.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Enjoying day 2 of vacation. Will have seen all the grandparents by lunchtime on Friday. YIPEE! Hope you miss me.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Laughing my butt off!!!!
I'm rolling. I just walked in the most hysterical thing I think I've ever seen. I've been in the office all morning and mommy has been getting Baylee ready for her 1 year pictures (a few months late) and so Hunter has kinda been on his own. Somehow he got Barney tuned in on our local PBS station. Barney is doing some questionable dance that the children are supposed to be learning along with him.
Here's where I start the laughing bit. Hunter is shakin' his money-maker. He's got moves that would make Richard Simmons hang up his silky little "stars and stripes shorts" for good. For the life of me, I dont know where he gets that. Dad isn't necessarily John Travolta and Mom is no Gloria Estafan. Not that we're against it, we just dont dance much. We're bright enough to know that while we perceive ourselves to be like Fred and Ginger in our own home, we're more like Shaggy and Velma to interested onlookers.
Lately, I've been in one of those typical "Pastor-Funky" moods. More discouraged than inspired, more disappointed than excited...you get the picture. Anyhow, in the dance of a 4 year old and a purple foam monster God seemed to take hold of the weight and burden within me, and discard it. I mean its gone. (Not gone enough that I got up and joined them---but I will next time.)
At any rate, I just wanted to praise God for that. I've been tucked away reading every book by all the spiritual giants that I can get my hands on, in order to help me to climb out of the funk; and God uses a purple, pagan people-eater of questionable sexuality to do the job. Go Figure. Thanks daddy.
Here's where I start the laughing bit. Hunter is shakin' his money-maker. He's got moves that would make Richard Simmons hang up his silky little "stars and stripes shorts" for good. For the life of me, I dont know where he gets that. Dad isn't necessarily John Travolta and Mom is no Gloria Estafan. Not that we're against it, we just dont dance much. We're bright enough to know that while we perceive ourselves to be like Fred and Ginger in our own home, we're more like Shaggy and Velma to interested onlookers.
Lately, I've been in one of those typical "Pastor-Funky" moods. More discouraged than inspired, more disappointed than excited...you get the picture. Anyhow, in the dance of a 4 year old and a purple foam monster God seemed to take hold of the weight and burden within me, and discard it. I mean its gone. (Not gone enough that I got up and joined them---but I will next time.)
At any rate, I just wanted to praise God for that. I've been tucked away reading every book by all the spiritual giants that I can get my hands on, in order to help me to climb out of the funk; and God uses a purple, pagan people-eater of questionable sexuality to do the job. Go Figure. Thanks daddy.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Today I read a really interesting blog by Dr. Ben Witherington from Asbury Seminary. He was talking about Roman architecture, primarily the bridges built by the Romans. To read the blog, just click on his name on the right of this page and read the blog with today's date. (June 26)
The thing that struck me was that many of the bridges built by the Roman army are still perfectly safe and usable today, nearly 2000 years after being built. That's impressive. Here in our "world" we're getting a new bridge just down the road. It has taken forever, and my guess is that if it lasts for 25 years it will be miraculous. Witherington stated that the Romans built these bridges to last because they expected their rule to last. They fully intended their reign to last forever, and so they built to accommodate that time frame. That's awesome.
Now I click and drag that article into church work, even the Christian life in general, and I have to admit, I'm not very proud of myself or some of my projects as they compare to Roman Bridges. While my work ethic is pretty good, my vision is very seldom as distant as "forever." My perspective is usually more short term. And I'm certainly not alone in this. We do VBS and our vision is usually "to make it through the week." We do summer camp, and often we countdown the hot, sweaty, sleepless hours until we get to go home. As I prepare sermons or Bible Studies, I often lose sight of the "forever" I'm trying to get folks to grasp as they live in the here and now; and just get it "done." As I deal with people and am hurt by them, offended by them, rejected by them or disgusted by them, I lose sight of "forever" and let our momentary interaction determine the course for all future interactions or the lack thereof.
What is my point in all of this? Good question, I'm not sure. As I read Dr. Ben's blog my spirit made some connection that at that time caused everything to fit in place...for a minute. This life in Christ thing is really unique. On the one hand we are to live for today and let tomorrow take care of itself. On the other hand we are to live with eternity---forever---always embedded within us. And I don't always get it. In the process of building bridges that last forever its so darn easy to lose focus and only pay attention to the "rocks" I'm fitting into place right now.
The thing that struck me was that many of the bridges built by the Roman army are still perfectly safe and usable today, nearly 2000 years after being built. That's impressive. Here in our "world" we're getting a new bridge just down the road. It has taken forever, and my guess is that if it lasts for 25 years it will be miraculous. Witherington stated that the Romans built these bridges to last because they expected their rule to last. They fully intended their reign to last forever, and so they built to accommodate that time frame. That's awesome.
Now I click and drag that article into church work, even the Christian life in general, and I have to admit, I'm not very proud of myself or some of my projects as they compare to Roman Bridges. While my work ethic is pretty good, my vision is very seldom as distant as "forever." My perspective is usually more short term. And I'm certainly not alone in this. We do VBS and our vision is usually "to make it through the week." We do summer camp, and often we countdown the hot, sweaty, sleepless hours until we get to go home. As I prepare sermons or Bible Studies, I often lose sight of the "forever" I'm trying to get folks to grasp as they live in the here and now; and just get it "done." As I deal with people and am hurt by them, offended by them, rejected by them or disgusted by them, I lose sight of "forever" and let our momentary interaction determine the course for all future interactions or the lack thereof.
What is my point in all of this? Good question, I'm not sure. As I read Dr. Ben's blog my spirit made some connection that at that time caused everything to fit in place...for a minute. This life in Christ thing is really unique. On the one hand we are to live for today and let tomorrow take care of itself. On the other hand we are to live with eternity---forever---always embedded within us. And I don't always get it. In the process of building bridges that last forever its so darn easy to lose focus and only pay attention to the "rocks" I'm fitting into place right now.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
It was the best of times...it was the WORST of times!

OK, hopefully this picture will explain my previous post. "Leona" is really a great friend. OK, used to be. She suckered me into a wager of sorts while I was trying to preach one Sunday Morning. It went something like this: If we get 100 kids involved in our Vacation Bible School I'd wear a Kentucky Wildcats shirt to preach. Well, the deal kept changing and the Math they used to tally up the children was questionable. And the picture you see before you is the result.
If you'll notice, the look on my face is one of anguish. I now know how SuperMan feels when nailed with a Kryptonite-Clod. I was weak. Barely able to speak. I'm guessing all the slop from Kentucky Basketball was transferred to me through the jersey. At any rate, I kept my word. Which is something I will die trying to do, even if it was conned out of me.
At any rate, it wasn't about the jersey. It was about kids meeting Jesus. And since I was put on this pedestal, I will seize the day and preach from here!!! What are you doing to encourage kids to know Jesus Christ? If I can wear UK apparel, what can you do? Better yet, what will you do? The enemy will spare no expense, but sometimes we can be pretty cheap.
Anyhow, that's Tammy Brunston below, preparing for "Joe Dirt Night" at a Southern Illinois Miner's Baseball game. It's just a costume, not her regular wardrobe; she usually looks like Redneck. Thanks Tammy. I win.
Monday, June 18, 2007
How Do You Share the Love of Jesus with THIS?

Anyone who's ever done any ministry in a country church will frequently find themselves presented with the opportunity to minister to those who are in desperate need of a relationship with Jesus. The Problem is, how do you make Jesus "real" enough that sinners like this one will want to know Him? Any suggestions for leading "Leona the Cable Girl" to the Lord?
Thursday, May 24, 2007
We "Out-Did" Lionel Richie!
I'm not sure what it was he did, and I'm fairly certain I dont want to know, but Lionel Richie (I think) did something "All Night Long" and it was memorable enough that he was able to come up with a whole song about it.
Well, we did too. All night long. Both Kids slept all night long last night and it was remarkable. I woke up at 4:05 am and neither munchkin had been up. A streak of almost 4 years of completely interrupted sleep has finally come to an end. The downside was, as I already mentioned, my internal clock has been reprogrammed to exist on minimal amounts of sleep. But I believe I can fix that, given enough time.
Just had to share the good news with somebody.
Well, we did too. All night long. Both Kids slept all night long last night and it was remarkable. I woke up at 4:05 am and neither munchkin had been up. A streak of almost 4 years of completely interrupted sleep has finally come to an end. The downside was, as I already mentioned, my internal clock has been reprogrammed to exist on minimal amounts of sleep. But I believe I can fix that, given enough time.
Just had to share the good news with somebody.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
It's bad enough I'm getting concerned.
I have pretty much been keeping up this blog for my own personal outlet. Today is no different. I'm not preaching Sunday's Sermon, casting judgment or belittling the faith of anybody. In fact, much of what is said here today is just as much a description of me as it is anyone else. I've been working on a sermon series for family month which is almost upon us. That being the case, I've probably been reading more from Scripture than is normal. One of the things that has stood out to me is all the displays of the wrath of God.
In this modern era of contemporary church where becoming "seeker sensitive" is a major concern for pastor's and leaders...at a time when the church is concerned about making people feel good...at a time when entertainment often replaces biblical standards for worship...God's anger isn't something that is often brought up. Yet it is very real.
I know, I know, God is love. And we certainly dont want to offend anyone, especially at a time when the church can ill afford to lose any members. But God's anger is just as much a part of His character as His love is. I love my kids. I'd like to think I'd die for them if it was necessary to preserve their lives. But they make me angry. That's just part of it. Probably because I love them SO much is why I get angry. I want the best for them. I want what's good for them. And when they act in a way that's harmful or hurtful towards them or anybody else, I get upset. And the "wrath of dad" kicks in, out of love, in order to correct them.
Now...why I'm bringing all this up. One of the biggest reasons God's wrath shows up in Scripture is when His Children get all stupid and start worshipping other gods. When they start putting their hope and their trust and their loyalty into societal trinkets that are lifeless, loveless and limp...When they pour themselves into other things and withhold wholehearted devotion to the One, True God.
Hunting, Fishing, Camping, Sports Teams, Pleasure, Leisure, Work............How much description do I need to go into here? What I'm trying to get at is that it seems like we, the Modern Church, are getting really good at being idolaters and adulterers. We give ourselves and the devotion God deserves to the things of earth. We whore ourselves out to the things of this world, and I'm just wondering how much longer we can continue to do so, before God has just had enough. Sure, I know God is love. But at some point, His love is going to take action and correct, or at least attempt to correct our spiritually slutty behavior. Am I right? Am I wrong? Do I just not have a clue? Click on the comment button below and let me know what you think?
In this modern era of contemporary church where becoming "seeker sensitive" is a major concern for pastor's and leaders...at a time when the church is concerned about making people feel good...at a time when entertainment often replaces biblical standards for worship...God's anger isn't something that is often brought up. Yet it is very real.
I know, I know, God is love. And we certainly dont want to offend anyone, especially at a time when the church can ill afford to lose any members. But God's anger is just as much a part of His character as His love is. I love my kids. I'd like to think I'd die for them if it was necessary to preserve their lives. But they make me angry. That's just part of it. Probably because I love them SO much is why I get angry. I want the best for them. I want what's good for them. And when they act in a way that's harmful or hurtful towards them or anybody else, I get upset. And the "wrath of dad" kicks in, out of love, in order to correct them.
Now...why I'm bringing all this up. One of the biggest reasons God's wrath shows up in Scripture is when His Children get all stupid and start worshipping other gods. When they start putting their hope and their trust and their loyalty into societal trinkets that are lifeless, loveless and limp...When they pour themselves into other things and withhold wholehearted devotion to the One, True God.
Hunting, Fishing, Camping, Sports Teams, Pleasure, Leisure, Work............How much description do I need to go into here? What I'm trying to get at is that it seems like we, the Modern Church, are getting really good at being idolaters and adulterers. We give ourselves and the devotion God deserves to the things of earth. We whore ourselves out to the things of this world, and I'm just wondering how much longer we can continue to do so, before God has just had enough. Sure, I know God is love. But at some point, His love is going to take action and correct, or at least attempt to correct our spiritually slutty behavior. Am I right? Am I wrong? Do I just not have a clue? Click on the comment button below and let me know what you think?
Friday, May 04, 2007
The PRINCESS turns 1 today!!!

Baylee is the greatest. Just like her brother. They're both great in their own special ways. I still can't believe that both kids came from exactly the same place and yet they are both so different from one another.
We're on our way to granny's tonight for the family birthday party. It ought to be quite a big night. Mom has gone way overboard and Baylee will never know. 1 year olds just dont get stuff like that. They dont know they get presents, they just know that they get to have fun cause everybody they love is all in the same place. There's a lesson us big people could probably learn in that. Anyhow. I'm thankful to God for my daughter today (I am every day, but today is special). And I pray that He makes me able to be the sort of dad that she needs me to be.
Thursday, May 03, 2007

There it is. A picture of the family's latest investment...A CAMPER!!!!! What do I know about camper camping? NOTHING. But I guess that's not the point. With many of our friends having campers, I guess it was just the thing to do.
As a pastor, I guess it might turn out to be a real lifesaver. I have known a number of ministers who have found themselves without a job or parsonage to live in, almost over night. It looks as if I will at least be able to have a place to keep my family should I find myself terminated unexpectedly.
Of course, owning a camper is about like owning a minivan. I'm envisioning my future wardrobe: sandals, dark socks, khaki shorts and a plaid button down shirt. Sounds cool. OH, I forgot the RV World visor and the camera strapped around my neck.
Well, if you're ever at KY lake, look us up. We'll be the one's with the 1978 chili pepper lights illuminating the campground.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
The Ticker Shall "Tick" Another Day
I'll start by saying that I'm OK. I'm not going to stroke out, pass out or fall over dead...at least not because my heart gave out. Let me explain, all the while preserving my experience forever in the insignificant world of unread blogs:
I was feeling really run down; heart rate a little high, low energy and the ability to become winded in a relatively short distance. For Valentines day my lovely and thoughtful wife gave me an appointment with a cardiologist. Here's how the funny day transpired.
I showed up at the cardiologists office. Ever been to one of those??? A bunch of old dudes. By old I mean room ringing with hearing aid feedback, pants pulled up to the breasts and lots of trembling and shaking. Just my type of place. I stood out like Marilyn Manson at a Hillsong Revival.
After about 5 minutes these two really gorgeous young ladies came to the door and called my name. I wondered why it took two and guessed that by the look of most of their patrons, it probably usually took two. But who cared, they were both here for me...
They escorted me back to a dark little room. Typical medical small talk followed by the blood pressure cuff. At the same time, another of the ladies removed my shirt and began rubbing and then clamping to my nipples little electrodes. Nurse A on the blood pressure cuff was awash with a look of concern. Nurse B replaced her on the cuff pump and likewise wrinkled up her little nose. My blood pressure was high. They weren't sure if they could continue.
After I assured them that this was their one and only chance to examine me, they continued with the interrogation. "Sir, are you under any unusual stress?" "I'm a pastor...I live in stress. My mother-in-law has just been diagnosed with brain cancer and will be having emergency brain surgery in the morning. I have a 9 month old and a 3 year old...DUH! My life is a constant state of some sort of stress."
"Well have you done anything out of the ordinary today," asked Nurse B? Let's see, I shared a cup of coffee with 45 old dudes growing nose hair pony-tails, 2 hot 20 somethings escort me into a dimly lit room, they remove my shirt, rub me down and then clamp little electro-who-knows-what to my boobies...Gee, I dont think so, everything seems pretty much the norm....
"OK honey, well why dont you just hop up here and walk for us a while. We need you to get your heart rate up quite a bit, it'll probably take 15 minutes or so." On about step 38 with the "Eye of the Tiger" running through my mind, Nurse B says, "WOW! You can quit now."
"Lay down on this bed on your left side." I complied and then she squirted half a tube of KY jelly on me and began the ultrasound. About the first 15 seconds was nice. I might have even paid for that at Hot Springs, but exactly second 16 all heck broke loose. The KY lost its K and with it, all the lubricating properties that it possessed. GRINDING...GRATING...RAW!!!!!!!
I honestly felt like I was breast-feeding a pack of starving, wild wolves.
20 minutes later, a heart attack became the object of my deepest prayers. I hate to sound like a sissy, but even the words "Everything looks great!" didn't make me feel any better. I dont know if you can die from nipple irritation, but I am certain I was close.
At any rate, as I said before, everything turned out fine. My prognosis is that I'm way too young to be in this bad of a physical condition. Thus the exercise machine I blogged about a month or so ago.
I was feeling really run down; heart rate a little high, low energy and the ability to become winded in a relatively short distance. For Valentines day my lovely and thoughtful wife gave me an appointment with a cardiologist. Here's how the funny day transpired.
I showed up at the cardiologists office. Ever been to one of those??? A bunch of old dudes. By old I mean room ringing with hearing aid feedback, pants pulled up to the breasts and lots of trembling and shaking. Just my type of place. I stood out like Marilyn Manson at a Hillsong Revival.
After about 5 minutes these two really gorgeous young ladies came to the door and called my name. I wondered why it took two and guessed that by the look of most of their patrons, it probably usually took two. But who cared, they were both here for me...
They escorted me back to a dark little room. Typical medical small talk followed by the blood pressure cuff. At the same time, another of the ladies removed my shirt and began rubbing and then clamping to my nipples little electrodes. Nurse A on the blood pressure cuff was awash with a look of concern. Nurse B replaced her on the cuff pump and likewise wrinkled up her little nose. My blood pressure was high. They weren't sure if they could continue.
After I assured them that this was their one and only chance to examine me, they continued with the interrogation. "Sir, are you under any unusual stress?" "I'm a pastor...I live in stress. My mother-in-law has just been diagnosed with brain cancer and will be having emergency brain surgery in the morning. I have a 9 month old and a 3 year old...DUH! My life is a constant state of some sort of stress."
"Well have you done anything out of the ordinary today," asked Nurse B? Let's see, I shared a cup of coffee with 45 old dudes growing nose hair pony-tails, 2 hot 20 somethings escort me into a dimly lit room, they remove my shirt, rub me down and then clamp little electro-who-knows-what to my boobies...Gee, I dont think so, everything seems pretty much the norm....
"OK honey, well why dont you just hop up here and walk for us a while. We need you to get your heart rate up quite a bit, it'll probably take 15 minutes or so." On about step 38 with the "Eye of the Tiger" running through my mind, Nurse B says, "WOW! You can quit now."
"Lay down on this bed on your left side." I complied and then she squirted half a tube of KY jelly on me and began the ultrasound. About the first 15 seconds was nice. I might have even paid for that at Hot Springs, but exactly second 16 all heck broke loose. The KY lost its K and with it, all the lubricating properties that it possessed. GRINDING...GRATING...RAW!!!!!!!
I honestly felt like I was breast-feeding a pack of starving, wild wolves.
20 minutes later, a heart attack became the object of my deepest prayers. I hate to sound like a sissy, but even the words "Everything looks great!" didn't make me feel any better. I dont know if you can die from nipple irritation, but I am certain I was close.
At any rate, as I said before, everything turned out fine. My prognosis is that I'm way too young to be in this bad of a physical condition. Thus the exercise machine I blogged about a month or so ago.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Turn Off TV Week
Wow. I never dreamed it would be such a big deal, but turning off the tv for a whole week is going to be huge for our family. If you would like to know the stats and background on this "movement" you can go to: www.tvturnoff.org
Last night was the end of day 1. Only 6 more to go. If you've not got kids, there's no way you can understand how important the idiot box really is. It's a filler. It occupies their time while supper is being fixed. It entertains one while the other is in the tub. With small kids, there has almost always got to be some sort of something for them to do, or else they'll be right up your butt...constantly!
Our 3 year old confessed to me yesterday, "Daddy, I dont think I like turn off tv week!" But while it has been demanding on mom and dad, so far its been great. We've played outside, we've read lots of books and we've told our very own homemade stories.
It's nice to know that God has involved Himself in our little escapade this week as well. While I dont like it, He has given us something new. Actually, some cone-head from town dropped it off. A KITTEN! YUCK! I like cats about as much as I like getting kicked in the shins, or elsewhere on the bod. But this little kitty is ok I guess, for a cat. Kitty's name is Slash (GNR, Velvet Revolver influenced, of course). Slash is pretty funny. He longs for our attention about like a kid. Since we're not vegging in front of the tube this week, we all go from room to room playing with whatever is there. After about 20 seconds of "new" room, lo and behold, on the window ledge outside, Slash presents himself. Its crazy. A stalking cat. That thing can hear us on the inside and hops up on the corresponding window so he can see us. He breaks the monotony of life without Directv.
I'm hoping that by the end of the week I'm not so disgruntled about turning off the tube. (Which we did of our own volition) Right now its sort of like having withdrawals, like when you quit some sort of bad habit. It has certainly helped me see how much time I lead our family in wasting. Oh well, there's no need to continue rambling.
Last night was the end of day 1. Only 6 more to go. If you've not got kids, there's no way you can understand how important the idiot box really is. It's a filler. It occupies their time while supper is being fixed. It entertains one while the other is in the tub. With small kids, there has almost always got to be some sort of something for them to do, or else they'll be right up your butt...constantly!
Our 3 year old confessed to me yesterday, "Daddy, I dont think I like turn off tv week!" But while it has been demanding on mom and dad, so far its been great. We've played outside, we've read lots of books and we've told our very own homemade stories.
It's nice to know that God has involved Himself in our little escapade this week as well. While I dont like it, He has given us something new. Actually, some cone-head from town dropped it off. A KITTEN! YUCK! I like cats about as much as I like getting kicked in the shins, or elsewhere on the bod. But this little kitty is ok I guess, for a cat. Kitty's name is Slash (GNR, Velvet Revolver influenced, of course). Slash is pretty funny. He longs for our attention about like a kid. Since we're not vegging in front of the tube this week, we all go from room to room playing with whatever is there. After about 20 seconds of "new" room, lo and behold, on the window ledge outside, Slash presents himself. Its crazy. A stalking cat. That thing can hear us on the inside and hops up on the corresponding window so he can see us. He breaks the monotony of life without Directv.
I'm hoping that by the end of the week I'm not so disgruntled about turning off the tube. (Which we did of our own volition) Right now its sort of like having withdrawals, like when you quit some sort of bad habit. It has certainly helped me see how much time I lead our family in wasting. Oh well, there's no need to continue rambling.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
I Think I Can, I Think I Can.......
Just checking in. It's been days, maybe even weeks since I've posted anything. I have been So busy. The Easter Season was long. It was good, but very demanding. I have wanted to post a few comments concerning Easter, but just haven't had the time.
The Family Life "Weekend to Remember" conference was great. I wanted to post a lot of comments on that and just haven't had the time. I will say this much. I think it has even changed the way I do pre-marital counseling. I think I'll never do it again. Instead, I'm going to recommend every young couple attend the weekends pre-married version. It was that good. I think had we been to something like that early in our marriage, or even before, we could have missed out on some crummy days in our version of "Bliss."
Turkey season has started both here in KY and also in IL. I have not yet harvested any turkeys, but I've had a great time trying. Probably if I wasn't out running around the woods, I'd have more time for stuff like this. But the change of pace and the sunrises in the forest have been great. It seems like just about every waking moment, my mind is constantly working on a sermon idea or on some ministry idea or something along those lines. Sometimes I just cant escape my thoughts. That's why I like hunting in general. Often it gives my mind a break. I think that's probably why I like sci-fi movies and good books too. Just a way to escape the mental machine. I wish there was an on/off switch to the brain.
Of course, there's also the Virginia Tech shooting. And while I dont have time to say much, I would say this. We again have a situation where a person exhibited all the warning signs, and yet here in our society of self-centered, self-promoting, self-absorbtion...nobody cared enough to do much. Nobody got too involved, nobody befriended him. And he freaked out. When are we going to learn this lesson? I wonder how many more tragedies we will endure until we learn to treat people as Jesus requires.
And then there's the small step forward in the supreme court's ruling about partial birth abortions. While a number of options for murdering children are still available, at least the supreme court saw the disgusting evil inherent in this practice. Maybe more doors to abortion will shut and locked in the future.
And then there's the Public Library. Did you know you can check out movies at the library??? The very same one's I'd rent from blockbuster are free, yes I said FREE, at the library. Whoda thunk it. My lovely wife came home with a whole sack full of movies: kids movies, instructional videos, books on tape and even 2 potty training movies for the kids. That's just an amazing find. Both, my wife and the library.
All in all, though not fully aware, I am able to see that I am deeply and richly blessed. God is good to me.
The Family Life "Weekend to Remember" conference was great. I wanted to post a lot of comments on that and just haven't had the time. I will say this much. I think it has even changed the way I do pre-marital counseling. I think I'll never do it again. Instead, I'm going to recommend every young couple attend the weekends pre-married version. It was that good. I think had we been to something like that early in our marriage, or even before, we could have missed out on some crummy days in our version of "Bliss."
Turkey season has started both here in KY and also in IL. I have not yet harvested any turkeys, but I've had a great time trying. Probably if I wasn't out running around the woods, I'd have more time for stuff like this. But the change of pace and the sunrises in the forest have been great. It seems like just about every waking moment, my mind is constantly working on a sermon idea or on some ministry idea or something along those lines. Sometimes I just cant escape my thoughts. That's why I like hunting in general. Often it gives my mind a break. I think that's probably why I like sci-fi movies and good books too. Just a way to escape the mental machine. I wish there was an on/off switch to the brain.
Of course, there's also the Virginia Tech shooting. And while I dont have time to say much, I would say this. We again have a situation where a person exhibited all the warning signs, and yet here in our society of self-centered, self-promoting, self-absorbtion...nobody cared enough to do much. Nobody got too involved, nobody befriended him. And he freaked out. When are we going to learn this lesson? I wonder how many more tragedies we will endure until we learn to treat people as Jesus requires.
And then there's the small step forward in the supreme court's ruling about partial birth abortions. While a number of options for murdering children are still available, at least the supreme court saw the disgusting evil inherent in this practice. Maybe more doors to abortion will shut and locked in the future.
And then there's the Public Library. Did you know you can check out movies at the library??? The very same one's I'd rent from blockbuster are free, yes I said FREE, at the library. Whoda thunk it. My lovely wife came home with a whole sack full of movies: kids movies, instructional videos, books on tape and even 2 potty training movies for the kids. That's just an amazing find. Both, my wife and the library.
All in all, though not fully aware, I am able to see that I am deeply and richly blessed. God is good to me.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Thursday, March 29, 2007
OK, here it goes.
Last night we had put our 3 year old in the tub. After we scrubbed him up real good, we gave him a few minutes to play in the water. That's the whole point of taking a bath after all. At any rate, I walked down the hall and noticed water dripping on to the floor from the sink. Not sure what to make of it, I investigated. When I walked into the bathroom, there was Hunter, holding the detachable nozzle and making a "Water Fountain." At least that's what he called it.
2 inches of water all over the floor. The walls. The vanity. The commode. Everything. I could have killed him. But then again, it was funny. Had it been somebody elses kid in somebody elses house, I'd have laughed till I puked. Eventually, I laughed that way even though it was my house and my kid.
You know, I find myself in the same "hot water" with my Heavenly Father. I do stupid stuff like that all the time. Not literally, but you know what I mean. I cant help but wonder if He laughs? Granted sin is sin and He certainly cant stand it, but I wonder if he's ever amused at the messes I get myself in, like I was at the mess of my kid.
Granted, there were consequences to Hunter's actions, but the entertainment level of his disobedience at least scored a little mercy. And Scripture says that "God is rich in mercy." What started out as a pain in the butt exercise in cleaning up the bathroom turned out to be a lesson I needed. Mercy turns wrath into the chuckles of Heaven.
Last night we had put our 3 year old in the tub. After we scrubbed him up real good, we gave him a few minutes to play in the water. That's the whole point of taking a bath after all. At any rate, I walked down the hall and noticed water dripping on to the floor from the sink. Not sure what to make of it, I investigated. When I walked into the bathroom, there was Hunter, holding the detachable nozzle and making a "Water Fountain." At least that's what he called it.
2 inches of water all over the floor. The walls. The vanity. The commode. Everything. I could have killed him. But then again, it was funny. Had it been somebody elses kid in somebody elses house, I'd have laughed till I puked. Eventually, I laughed that way even though it was my house and my kid.
You know, I find myself in the same "hot water" with my Heavenly Father. I do stupid stuff like that all the time. Not literally, but you know what I mean. I cant help but wonder if He laughs? Granted sin is sin and He certainly cant stand it, but I wonder if he's ever amused at the messes I get myself in, like I was at the mess of my kid.
Granted, there were consequences to Hunter's actions, but the entertainment level of his disobedience at least scored a little mercy. And Scripture says that "God is rich in mercy." What started out as a pain in the butt exercise in cleaning up the bathroom turned out to be a lesson I needed. Mercy turns wrath into the chuckles of Heaven.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Fishing for Men
WOW! What an amazing past couple of days. I have been busy. It's just been one of those sets of days that comes along every now and then that are just demanding. It's not been bad, just busy.
Yesterday evening I did decide I needed just a small break. I went up to the lake for a few hours to see if the Stripers (Not strippers! Strippers remove their clothing, Stripers are big fish with a bad attitude. There were no strippers at the lake---at least to my knowledge) were running. They weren't. I made a couple hundred casts with not even the first hit. But I kept on casting. I kept thinking that any moment would be THE moment where one of those "Attack Fish" would pull my arms out of socket. THE moment, never came.
Now here's where I attempt to make a spiritual point of some sort. Jesus said that if you follow Him, He will make you a fisher of men. But I can honestly say that the times where I have relentlessly pursued a person with the same intensity that I pursued those fish last night have been few and far between. I certainly dont make a couple of hundred "casts" with the Great News of Jesus. I often give up. WAY before Jesus would have me shake the dust of my sandals, I've already moved on. At other times I give up hope and go through the motions with little or no expectations. If THE moment doesn't happen quickly, I'm prone to thinking THE moment probably isn't going to come. And so I give up and move on. I think I can do better than that. I know I'm expected to do better than that.
Yesterday evening I did decide I needed just a small break. I went up to the lake for a few hours to see if the Stripers (Not strippers! Strippers remove their clothing, Stripers are big fish with a bad attitude. There were no strippers at the lake---at least to my knowledge) were running. They weren't. I made a couple hundred casts with not even the first hit. But I kept on casting. I kept thinking that any moment would be THE moment where one of those "Attack Fish" would pull my arms out of socket. THE moment, never came.
Now here's where I attempt to make a spiritual point of some sort. Jesus said that if you follow Him, He will make you a fisher of men. But I can honestly say that the times where I have relentlessly pursued a person with the same intensity that I pursued those fish last night have been few and far between. I certainly dont make a couple of hundred "casts" with the Great News of Jesus. I often give up. WAY before Jesus would have me shake the dust of my sandals, I've already moved on. At other times I give up hope and go through the motions with little or no expectations. If THE moment doesn't happen quickly, I'm prone to thinking THE moment probably isn't going to come. And so I give up and move on. I think I can do better than that. I know I'm expected to do better than that.
Friday, March 23, 2007
2 Out of 3 Aint Bad!
Well, the end of the week has finally made it. I decided to make an attempt at self-discipline and made mention of 3 things I was going to try and do as a simple exercise to achieve this end. Well, I have done decent (content not considered) on the blog. I have at least been faithful to the task. My attitude has been pretty positive as well. Given the week I've had, I'm proud of that. Have had less sleep than normal, thanks to the kids, and more work than normal. I have kept some pretty long hours this week with a number of different meetings. But all in all, I've still been upbeat and positive. I probably wont win the NCAA Spirit Award or anything. But I would've at least enjoyed having lunch with me. Now for the machine. I have not done my time on the machine. I haven't had the time. I was faithful for a few days and then just became overwhelmed with responsibilities.
Of course, the goal here isn't to become legalistic. I'm not a failure because I failed. In fact, the simple effort of making an attempt to better myself and my usefulness to the King is a victory in an of itself. I've been studying MT 15 this week and Jesus talks along similar lines there. He rebukes the Pharisees for forsaking the commandments of God in order to pursue the "traditions of men." Though not technically a tradition, the "Law of Jeff" that I established for myself the other day is not on the same page, or even the same book for that matter, as God's commands. I dont have the time right now to flesh all this out, but I know what I'm trying to say whether anybody else does or not.
All in all, a great week. Meatloaf said it best...2 out of 3 aint bad.
Of course, the goal here isn't to become legalistic. I'm not a failure because I failed. In fact, the simple effort of making an attempt to better myself and my usefulness to the King is a victory in an of itself. I've been studying MT 15 this week and Jesus talks along similar lines there. He rebukes the Pharisees for forsaking the commandments of God in order to pursue the "traditions of men." Though not technically a tradition, the "Law of Jeff" that I established for myself the other day is not on the same page, or even the same book for that matter, as God's commands. I dont have the time right now to flesh all this out, but I know what I'm trying to say whether anybody else does or not.
All in all, a great week. Meatloaf said it best...2 out of 3 aint bad.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Today is a woot-off. Click on the link on the left for Woot to see what a woot-off is all about. It's awesome. It's such an incredible rush. Not that I ever buy anything because I'm really not that techno savvy. It's too bad there's not an outdoor section. Maybe a shoe woot or a grocery woot. I'd buy tons I'm sure. Probably good that most of it is computer stuff that I dont know how to use. But man, its fun. Last woot off I just missed the Bag-O-Crap by less than second. Who knows, maybe today will be my big day. If nothing else, it'll transform an ordinary Thursday into something spectacular.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Monday, March 19, 2007
Making A Habit
Well, they say it takes 20 days or so for something to become a habit. This is day 3.
Day 3 for blogging
Day 3 for excercising.
Day 3 for trying to become a little more positive in my attitude.
Not that I need the outlet for my thoughts.
Not that I'm terribly out of shape.
Not that I'm all that negative.
But I lack discipline. I'm an "in-the-moment" sort of person. I find it generally more enjoyable to let how I feel right now dictate my next move. That can't be good. So I'm taking 3 fairly simple concepts and trying to make them all a habit. Just for discipline's sake. Somewhere along the way I've heard the words "Master Thyself." I'm not sure when or where or who, but lately my heart has been hearing them again. So here we go...
(Let me just say, the excercise thing is a real drag. Maybe I'm more out of shape than I previously mentioned.)
Day 3 for blogging
Day 3 for excercising.
Day 3 for trying to become a little more positive in my attitude.
Not that I need the outlet for my thoughts.
Not that I'm terribly out of shape.
Not that I'm all that negative.
But I lack discipline. I'm an "in-the-moment" sort of person. I find it generally more enjoyable to let how I feel right now dictate my next move. That can't be good. So I'm taking 3 fairly simple concepts and trying to make them all a habit. Just for discipline's sake. Somewhere along the way I've heard the words "Master Thyself." I'm not sure when or where or who, but lately my heart has been hearing them again. So here we go...
(Let me just say, the excercise thing is a real drag. Maybe I'm more out of shape than I previously mentioned.)
Friday, March 16, 2007
I just received a phone call this evening from an old, old friend. Hadn't heard or seen anything out of him for a number of years. It was good to hear his voice. Good to hear things were going well. Good to hear he has fought through a number of life's battles and has come out on the winning end.
Just talking to him tonight made me feel really great. It got me thinking about a whole wagon load of people I have not had any contact with in quite some time. I miss them. Apparently the hustle and bustle of life has cut in on what ought to be my true priorities, namely the people and relationships that I have with those I care about.
Though its not New Years, I find myself on the verge of making a resolution. I am resolving to reconnect with old friends and restore old relationships that shouldn't have been put out to pasture.
Just talking to him tonight made me feel really great. It got me thinking about a whole wagon load of people I have not had any contact with in quite some time. I miss them. Apparently the hustle and bustle of life has cut in on what ought to be my true priorities, namely the people and relationships that I have with those I care about.
Though its not New Years, I find myself on the verge of making a resolution. I am resolving to reconnect with old friends and restore old relationships that shouldn't have been put out to pasture.
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