There it is. A picture of the family's latest investment...A CAMPER!!!!! What do I know about camper camping? NOTHING. But I guess that's not the point. With many of our friends having campers, I guess it was just the thing to do.
As a pastor, I guess it might turn out to be a real lifesaver. I have known a number of ministers who have found themselves without a job or parsonage to live in, almost over night. It looks as if I will at least be able to have a place to keep my family should I find myself terminated unexpectedly.
Of course, owning a camper is about like owning a minivan. I'm envisioning my future wardrobe: sandals, dark socks, khaki shorts and a plaid button down shirt. Sounds cool. OH, I forgot the RV World visor and the camera strapped around my neck.
Well, if you're ever at KY lake, look us up. We'll be the one's with the 1978 chili pepper lights illuminating the campground.
1 comment:
Mini van and camper!!! It has happened to you too?!?!?!
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