Friday, March 23, 2007

2 Out of 3 Aint Bad!

Well, the end of the week has finally made it. I decided to make an attempt at self-discipline and made mention of 3 things I was going to try and do as a simple exercise to achieve this end. Well, I have done decent (content not considered) on the blog. I have at least been faithful to the task. My attitude has been pretty positive as well. Given the week I've had, I'm proud of that. Have had less sleep than normal, thanks to the kids, and more work than normal. I have kept some pretty long hours this week with a number of different meetings. But all in all, I've still been upbeat and positive. I probably wont win the NCAA Spirit Award or anything. But I would've at least enjoyed having lunch with me. Now for the machine. I have not done my time on the machine. I haven't had the time. I was faithful for a few days and then just became overwhelmed with responsibilities.

Of course, the goal here isn't to become legalistic. I'm not a failure because I failed. In fact, the simple effort of making an attempt to better myself and my usefulness to the King is a victory in an of itself. I've been studying MT 15 this week and Jesus talks along similar lines there. He rebukes the Pharisees for forsaking the commandments of God in order to pursue the "traditions of men." Though not technically a tradition, the "Law of Jeff" that I established for myself the other day is not on the same page, or even the same book for that matter, as God's commands. I dont have the time right now to flesh all this out, but I know what I'm trying to say whether anybody else does or not.

All in all, a great week. Meatloaf said it best...2 out of 3 aint bad.

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