Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Just some stuff in my head today.

Just some stuff I've been thinking about today:

1. I took the family to see the movie "Bedtime Stories." I am not an Adam Sandler fan, I dont think he's all that funny and I hate to hear him make all of his ridiculous voices that neither compliment his humor or add to my enjoyment. I score Sandler right down there with Bette Midler when it comes to personal enjoyment. That being said, I had a great time at this movie and I enjoyed it (with a few exceptions directly pertaining to aforementioned actor). Here's why I enjoyed it:
*My kids loved it and laughed throughout.
*I liked the storyline (though predictable)
*No Profanity/nudity/violence.
*It was a good family day.
*I had a bunch of gift cards so I didn't feel like I was getting assaulted by the theater.

But here's what I really enjoyed the most. This movie engaged the imagination of my kids. Mine as well. And I think that is a quality that is lacking in so much of American life. Nobody has an imagination anymore. Im thinking about that 1978 song "Flowers are Red" by Harry Chapin. You look that one up for yourself. The point I'm trying to make is that we force kids to color inside the lines in acceptable colors...Hey Everybody!!!!! We have enough green grass and red flowers. Wouldn't the world be cool if we gave our kids the super pack of crayons and said "go make the world amazing." I dont know, maybe I'm weird.

2. The second thing on my mind the day after a new president has been inaugurated: What's Changed? President Obama campaigned on the promise of CHANGE, but I woke up in exactly the same world today that I went to bed in yesterday. He doesn't have what it takes to bring real change. No man does. That's why I will continue to put my hope in the only One who can bring true CHANGE...Jesus Christ. I hope you'll do the same.

3. I read a couple of interesting blog posts this week that help me deal with the whole presidential thing mentioned above. Pastor Scott over at on Monday and Tuesday of this week posted 2 prayers. One for our outgoing President and one for our incoming new President. Very insightful. You ought to go read them today.

Other than that, Deer Season is over. Waterfowling seasons are quickly coming to an end. Looks like its about time to get back to civilized life. Farewell caveman Jeff until the next hunter/gatherer season opens up.

He Has Made Me Glad!


Anonymous said...

you got me out of the habit of checking your blog....write more often, please!

Anonymous said...
