Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Justice League: The New Frontier Movie

As a kid growing up in the 70's and 80's, one of the highlights of my week was watching the SuperFriends & the Justice League. As the name suggests, they really were Super and friends, and they were all about justice. Righting wrongs; being good role models; bringing hope to the hopeless and giving help to the helpless. Every week during the program there was always at least one segment that encouraged us kids to take care of our environment, befriend a new kid at school or some sort of health tip that made us take pride in ourselves.

In the last year or so, my 4 year old son, Hunter, has discovered the SuperFriends thanks to the Cartoon Network. It's been really fun seeing him enjoy some of the exact same stuff I enjoyed. We Tivo every episode to this day and sit down as a family to watch something positive together.

For the last week or two a new Justice League Movie has been advertised, and let me tell you, our house has looked forward to the release date about as much as we look forward to Snow Days. Hunter has been ecstatic as "Justice League: The New Frontier" became more and more of a reality. Well yesterday was the day. We were probably one of the first families in Paducah to watch the new movie. And now, I am going to be the first parent in Paducah to contact DC Comics and Warner Bros. to express my extreme disgust for this video piece of garbage.

Let me tell you what I saw:
1. The opening scene shows the future Green Lantern blow a Korean Soldiers brains out. It doesn't allude to the shooting, it graphically shows it, blood and brains and all. Explain that to a 4 year old.
2. It doesn't actually show the suicide, it fades to blood oozing over the screen, as an unknown person sticks a gun, which we do see, to his head and BOOM! Explain that to a 4 year old.
3. Tons, at least for the SuperFriends cartoons, of profanity. By the end of the movie I would not have been surprised if SuperMan dropped the F-bomb and flipped off Aqua Man. He didn't, but it wouldn't have shocked me if he did.
4. The sexual innuendo was pretty thick too. Granted, alien/mutant's wearing next to nothing is not a new scenario to the SuperFriends, but the New & Improved Justice League seemed to be pretty concerned with hooking up with one another.

To the films credit, after further inspection I notice it has a PG-13 rating for Violent Content and images. Here's my problem: I never dreamed it would be necessary to check the rating for the SuperFriends. I hope Warner Bros. don't get their hands on Peter Pan, because there no telling how low they might sink with Peter and the Lost Boys.

Final Comment: If you are a parent, don't buy this crap for your kids. The SuperFriends have always been a little New Agey, but now they're just downright disgusting and disappointing. For the same money, you can just cuss your kids out yourself and let them watch as you slaughter the family pet.

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