I'm not sure what it was he did, and I'm fairly certain I dont want to know, but Lionel Richie (I think) did something "All Night Long" and it was memorable enough that he was able to come up with a whole song about it.
Well, we did too. All night long. Both Kids slept all night long last night and it was remarkable. I woke up at 4:05 am and neither munchkin had been up. A streak of almost 4 years of completely interrupted sleep has finally come to an end. The downside was, as I already mentioned, my internal clock has been reprogrammed to exist on minimal amounts of sleep. But I believe I can fix that, given enough time.
Just had to share the good news with somebody.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
It's bad enough I'm getting concerned.
I have pretty much been keeping up this blog for my own personal outlet. Today is no different. I'm not preaching Sunday's Sermon, casting judgment or belittling the faith of anybody. In fact, much of what is said here today is just as much a description of me as it is anyone else. I've been working on a sermon series for family month which is almost upon us. That being the case, I've probably been reading more from Scripture than is normal. One of the things that has stood out to me is all the displays of the wrath of God.
In this modern era of contemporary church where becoming "seeker sensitive" is a major concern for pastor's and leaders...at a time when the church is concerned about making people feel good...at a time when entertainment often replaces biblical standards for worship...God's anger isn't something that is often brought up. Yet it is very real.
I know, I know, God is love. And we certainly dont want to offend anyone, especially at a time when the church can ill afford to lose any members. But God's anger is just as much a part of His character as His love is. I love my kids. I'd like to think I'd die for them if it was necessary to preserve their lives. But they make me angry. That's just part of it. Probably because I love them SO much is why I get angry. I want the best for them. I want what's good for them. And when they act in a way that's harmful or hurtful towards them or anybody else, I get upset. And the "wrath of dad" kicks in, out of love, in order to correct them.
Now...why I'm bringing all this up. One of the biggest reasons God's wrath shows up in Scripture is when His Children get all stupid and start worshipping other gods. When they start putting their hope and their trust and their loyalty into societal trinkets that are lifeless, loveless and limp...When they pour themselves into other things and withhold wholehearted devotion to the One, True God.
Hunting, Fishing, Camping, Sports Teams, Pleasure, Leisure, Work............How much description do I need to go into here? What I'm trying to get at is that it seems like we, the Modern Church, are getting really good at being idolaters and adulterers. We give ourselves and the devotion God deserves to the things of earth. We whore ourselves out to the things of this world, and I'm just wondering how much longer we can continue to do so, before God has just had enough. Sure, I know God is love. But at some point, His love is going to take action and correct, or at least attempt to correct our spiritually slutty behavior. Am I right? Am I wrong? Do I just not have a clue? Click on the comment button below and let me know what you think?
In this modern era of contemporary church where becoming "seeker sensitive" is a major concern for pastor's and leaders...at a time when the church is concerned about making people feel good...at a time when entertainment often replaces biblical standards for worship...God's anger isn't something that is often brought up. Yet it is very real.
I know, I know, God is love. And we certainly dont want to offend anyone, especially at a time when the church can ill afford to lose any members. But God's anger is just as much a part of His character as His love is. I love my kids. I'd like to think I'd die for them if it was necessary to preserve their lives. But they make me angry. That's just part of it. Probably because I love them SO much is why I get angry. I want the best for them. I want what's good for them. And when they act in a way that's harmful or hurtful towards them or anybody else, I get upset. And the "wrath of dad" kicks in, out of love, in order to correct them.
Now...why I'm bringing all this up. One of the biggest reasons God's wrath shows up in Scripture is when His Children get all stupid and start worshipping other gods. When they start putting their hope and their trust and their loyalty into societal trinkets that are lifeless, loveless and limp...When they pour themselves into other things and withhold wholehearted devotion to the One, True God.
Hunting, Fishing, Camping, Sports Teams, Pleasure, Leisure, Work............How much description do I need to go into here? What I'm trying to get at is that it seems like we, the Modern Church, are getting really good at being idolaters and adulterers. We give ourselves and the devotion God deserves to the things of earth. We whore ourselves out to the things of this world, and I'm just wondering how much longer we can continue to do so, before God has just had enough. Sure, I know God is love. But at some point, His love is going to take action and correct, or at least attempt to correct our spiritually slutty behavior. Am I right? Am I wrong? Do I just not have a clue? Click on the comment button below and let me know what you think?
Friday, May 04, 2007
The PRINCESS turns 1 today!!!

Baylee is the greatest. Just like her brother. They're both great in their own special ways. I still can't believe that both kids came from exactly the same place and yet they are both so different from one another.
We're on our way to granny's tonight for the family birthday party. It ought to be quite a big night. Mom has gone way overboard and Baylee will never know. 1 year olds just dont get stuff like that. They dont know they get presents, they just know that they get to have fun cause everybody they love is all in the same place. There's a lesson us big people could probably learn in that. Anyhow. I'm thankful to God for my daughter today (I am every day, but today is special). And I pray that He makes me able to be the sort of dad that she needs me to be.
Thursday, May 03, 2007

There it is. A picture of the family's latest investment...A CAMPER!!!!! What do I know about camper camping? NOTHING. But I guess that's not the point. With many of our friends having campers, I guess it was just the thing to do.
As a pastor, I guess it might turn out to be a real lifesaver. I have known a number of ministers who have found themselves without a job or parsonage to live in, almost over night. It looks as if I will at least be able to have a place to keep my family should I find myself terminated unexpectedly.
Of course, owning a camper is about like owning a minivan. I'm envisioning my future wardrobe: sandals, dark socks, khaki shorts and a plaid button down shirt. Sounds cool. OH, I forgot the RV World visor and the camera strapped around my neck.
Well, if you're ever at KY lake, look us up. We'll be the one's with the 1978 chili pepper lights illuminating the campground.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
The Ticker Shall "Tick" Another Day
I'll start by saying that I'm OK. I'm not going to stroke out, pass out or fall over dead...at least not because my heart gave out. Let me explain, all the while preserving my experience forever in the insignificant world of unread blogs:
I was feeling really run down; heart rate a little high, low energy and the ability to become winded in a relatively short distance. For Valentines day my lovely and thoughtful wife gave me an appointment with a cardiologist. Here's how the funny day transpired.
I showed up at the cardiologists office. Ever been to one of those??? A bunch of old dudes. By old I mean room ringing with hearing aid feedback, pants pulled up to the breasts and lots of trembling and shaking. Just my type of place. I stood out like Marilyn Manson at a Hillsong Revival.
After about 5 minutes these two really gorgeous young ladies came to the door and called my name. I wondered why it took two and guessed that by the look of most of their patrons, it probably usually took two. But who cared, they were both here for me...
They escorted me back to a dark little room. Typical medical small talk followed by the blood pressure cuff. At the same time, another of the ladies removed my shirt and began rubbing and then clamping to my nipples little electrodes. Nurse A on the blood pressure cuff was awash with a look of concern. Nurse B replaced her on the cuff pump and likewise wrinkled up her little nose. My blood pressure was high. They weren't sure if they could continue.
After I assured them that this was their one and only chance to examine me, they continued with the interrogation. "Sir, are you under any unusual stress?" "I'm a pastor...I live in stress. My mother-in-law has just been diagnosed with brain cancer and will be having emergency brain surgery in the morning. I have a 9 month old and a 3 year old...DUH! My life is a constant state of some sort of stress."
"Well have you done anything out of the ordinary today," asked Nurse B? Let's see, I shared a cup of coffee with 45 old dudes growing nose hair pony-tails, 2 hot 20 somethings escort me into a dimly lit room, they remove my shirt, rub me down and then clamp little electro-who-knows-what to my boobies...Gee, I dont think so, everything seems pretty much the norm....
"OK honey, well why dont you just hop up here and walk for us a while. We need you to get your heart rate up quite a bit, it'll probably take 15 minutes or so." On about step 38 with the "Eye of the Tiger" running through my mind, Nurse B says, "WOW! You can quit now."
"Lay down on this bed on your left side." I complied and then she squirted half a tube of KY jelly on me and began the ultrasound. About the first 15 seconds was nice. I might have even paid for that at Hot Springs, but exactly second 16 all heck broke loose. The KY lost its K and with it, all the lubricating properties that it possessed. GRINDING...GRATING...RAW!!!!!!!
I honestly felt like I was breast-feeding a pack of starving, wild wolves.
20 minutes later, a heart attack became the object of my deepest prayers. I hate to sound like a sissy, but even the words "Everything looks great!" didn't make me feel any better. I dont know if you can die from nipple irritation, but I am certain I was close.
At any rate, as I said before, everything turned out fine. My prognosis is that I'm way too young to be in this bad of a physical condition. Thus the exercise machine I blogged about a month or so ago.
I was feeling really run down; heart rate a little high, low energy and the ability to become winded in a relatively short distance. For Valentines day my lovely and thoughtful wife gave me an appointment with a cardiologist. Here's how the funny day transpired.
I showed up at the cardiologists office. Ever been to one of those??? A bunch of old dudes. By old I mean room ringing with hearing aid feedback, pants pulled up to the breasts and lots of trembling and shaking. Just my type of place. I stood out like Marilyn Manson at a Hillsong Revival.
After about 5 minutes these two really gorgeous young ladies came to the door and called my name. I wondered why it took two and guessed that by the look of most of their patrons, it probably usually took two. But who cared, they were both here for me...
They escorted me back to a dark little room. Typical medical small talk followed by the blood pressure cuff. At the same time, another of the ladies removed my shirt and began rubbing and then clamping to my nipples little electrodes. Nurse A on the blood pressure cuff was awash with a look of concern. Nurse B replaced her on the cuff pump and likewise wrinkled up her little nose. My blood pressure was high. They weren't sure if they could continue.
After I assured them that this was their one and only chance to examine me, they continued with the interrogation. "Sir, are you under any unusual stress?" "I'm a pastor...I live in stress. My mother-in-law has just been diagnosed with brain cancer and will be having emergency brain surgery in the morning. I have a 9 month old and a 3 year old...DUH! My life is a constant state of some sort of stress."
"Well have you done anything out of the ordinary today," asked Nurse B? Let's see, I shared a cup of coffee with 45 old dudes growing nose hair pony-tails, 2 hot 20 somethings escort me into a dimly lit room, they remove my shirt, rub me down and then clamp little electro-who-knows-what to my boobies...Gee, I dont think so, everything seems pretty much the norm....
"OK honey, well why dont you just hop up here and walk for us a while. We need you to get your heart rate up quite a bit, it'll probably take 15 minutes or so." On about step 38 with the "Eye of the Tiger" running through my mind, Nurse B says, "WOW! You can quit now."
"Lay down on this bed on your left side." I complied and then she squirted half a tube of KY jelly on me and began the ultrasound. About the first 15 seconds was nice. I might have even paid for that at Hot Springs, but exactly second 16 all heck broke loose. The KY lost its K and with it, all the lubricating properties that it possessed. GRINDING...GRATING...RAW!!!!!!!
I honestly felt like I was breast-feeding a pack of starving, wild wolves.
20 minutes later, a heart attack became the object of my deepest prayers. I hate to sound like a sissy, but even the words "Everything looks great!" didn't make me feel any better. I dont know if you can die from nipple irritation, but I am certain I was close.
At any rate, as I said before, everything turned out fine. My prognosis is that I'm way too young to be in this bad of a physical condition. Thus the exercise machine I blogged about a month or so ago.
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