Monday, January 28, 2008

Another lesson learned.

OK, so right up there with with offering words of affirmation would have to be offering my own acknowledgement of failure. I'm not overly quick to owning up to those moments where I blow it. Well, I blew it, and I'm here to admit it.

I subjected the evening congregation yesterday to some grueling listening. At least that's the feedback I've received. I found a chapter in a book that was right where I was trying to I did what semed best. Rather than give a book report, I just read a few pages of the book. Actually, more than a few...probably more like 7.

I knew this was stupid, kind of like the time I read John 4 to a group of inner-city kids. It was just way too much reading for my audience. But I coudn't stop myself.

So, I say again, I'm sorry for making all those wonderful folks at New Hope endure me. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Friday, January 25, 2008


I have discovered something about myself that I think is worth documentation. I'm not very quick to give praise where praise is due, at least as relates to people. When people fall short of the expectations that I've placed on them, I'm usually fairly quick to make my disappointment known. But seldom am I as quick to give that public "attaboy" when things go as expected or even beyond expectations.

Today, I publicly want to go on the record of saying that New Hope Church is worthy to receive the praise that's due them, and if nothing else, they'll receive it from me. We had our first church board meetings of the year last night and I was blown away by the eagerness and willingness and desire to serve the Lord that was exhibited by those who came.

Sure, its the first meeting of the year, but...
Everyone seemed invigorated to work at the tasks appointed them. Noone seemed to show up with their own little petty agendas. And folks were smiling. (When God's People smile while serving Him, you know He's got to be smiling right back!)

We've got a huge year before us. We have some major decisions that have got to be made, some major changes in the way that we do what we do. Some of them are going to be extremely difficult decisions and moves to make. And yet, those placed in positions of leadership in the church, came to do their "chores" with glad hearts and eager spirit's.

I give God the praise today for the faithfulness I have seen, and I can't wait to see how that faithfulness shapes the future of this church.

He Has Made Me Glad!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Personal Advancements in Technology

Well, I bit the bullet. I went and got the new Blackberry personal PDA & phone. At this point it seems like its going to be a very helpful tool. Already I have figured out a few of the applications. Emphasis placed on "FEW." This thing is unbelievable. My personal pastor of Technology, Todd Belt, is coming out today to help me figure out everything the "less than personable" sales person didn't really want to help me understand. I admit I'm a slow learner, but...

Will it help my ministry? That is the million dollar question. If I use it like it is intended to be used, YES! If it becomes just a neat phone that checks my email, then NO! I'll keep you updated on the progress of this new relationship.

For those of you who use a Blackberry, either in ministry or some other occupation, are there any things in particular that you use to make it do more for you? Any applications or programs that seem extra beneficial? I would love to have some input on this.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Cough Syrup, Whiskey and a Potential Knuckle Sandwich!

Well, its safe to say...I've had an interesting weekend. The high point, or low point depending on perspective happened Saturday night. I was finally on the couch at about 8:45 PM. The beloved couch, an empty house and the Sci-Fi channel. The stuff dreams are made of.

I got a call about 5 minutes into the couch. An elder was at the church late and was interupted by a drunk who was aggressively trying to get in the building. Then his phone went dead. (Which was my cue to presume that he also had bitten the dust.)

Scrambling to get enough clothes on in the 15 degree night, I went to rescue my friend. As I rounded the corner of the building, our intoxicated visitor shrieked when he saw me and huddled in a corner. For a minute.... Then he became excedingly violent and aggressive towards me. He was more than drunk, he had taken several other things as well. Which only made the violence more pronounced. I was able to get away from him, but I was certainly scared. The shape he was in would require us to do a lot of physical damage to him in order to restrain him. And that's never a good thing. At least not for the preacher and one of the elders.

I disappeared around the building, called 911 and came back. I hated to involve the police, but we had no other options at this point. I would have much rather called this kids dad and let him handle it; but we were way out of the comfort zone and way into the danger zone.

After making my call, I returned to find my elder in the grips of our visitor.
Trying to have a rational conversation with drunk people is nearly impossible, thank God the police came quickly. There's a whole lot more to the story. It certainly ended worse than it began. And I dont guess I intend to share all of that. Here's what I'm wondering:

A) Looking back over the incident, there were some similarities between this event and the events in Christ's ministry where he went beyond the obvious problem and into the spirit realm to do His work. Hindsight suggests I should've done something more, spiritually speaking. Yet, common sense says you cant talk with a drunk? What do you think? Spiritual warfare or too much Peretti last week?

B) I guess I'm also wondering how far is far enough for a pastor to go. What I really wanted to do was club this guy in the head and hope he stayed knocked out until the authorities came (the "old man" in me is dying the most drawn out, slow death in the history of those who find new life in Christ). And yet I know as pastor, there is a certain amount of reconcilliation and redemption that I am to model and hold out to others. What do you think?

I know in the Kingdom of Christ, we are not to live or act or wage war as the world does; and yet in this instance, the ways of this world were about the best option. Anyone care to help this make sense?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

It's a great day & the crappiest day of the year all at once!

By that I mean, I'm trying to be faithful and the Lord has reminded me of a promise I made. Back in the "Woe is me" days I felt God say, "Jeff, you are a crappy friend!" And then there was a bunch of fine print that I dont intend to go into right now. Long story short, I vowed to reconnect and re-befriend my old friends from days gone by.

I am proud to report that in the last month or two, I've done that. Last night I called an old friend from Asbury Seminary days. Chad Kingsbury...What a guy. Probably the most intense youth minister I have ever met. His intensity is matched by integrity, compassion and jockularity. (I've never used that word in a sentence before.) Chad is hilarious. His heart is as big as the rest of him, and he loves Jesus with passion. Not the passion symbolized by a heart with an arrow drawn through it, but real passion. The passion of SuperBowl Champions, the passion of triathletes, the passion it takes to get to the top of Mt. EVEREST...the passion of Nazarene Carpenters. Anyhow, it was good to talk to Chad. And I am blessed by his witness. Thanks for answering the phone chad. Its a Great Day.

In a few hours, I will go and sit in a treestand for my last deer hunt of the season. Does it get much worse. I will be a down-and-outer for a few days after tonight. But I'm not giving up hope on a score. I have had my eye on a nice buck for a few weeks and hopefully tonight I have made the right move. But if not, he'll be there next year, and he'll be a little bigger. On a positive note: Only 226 days until bow season begins again.

I have not hunted nearly as much this year as I have in years past. Of course, in years past I didn't have 2 great kids. I guess as I think about them, it really isn't that crappy of a day.

Maybe next week I'll actually blog about something not so redneck. Maybe Scott will have inspired me to get a little more deep in my thinking.

He Has Made Me Glad!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The pastor's "Wardrobe."

Today's blog is dedicated to Dr. Chuck Killian, my professor of preaching at Asbury Seminary. Chuck and I didn't agree on the "Pastor's Wardrobe." In fact, we had a slight moment of disagreement. While at the time, he was certainly right in his assessment of my choice of clothing (A lesson I have never, nor will ever this day I have never led a Sunday Morning worship service without a coat and tie.) I would venture to bet that even a simple shirt with buttons and collar would have closed every door to ministry on this day.
OK...So what is this? This is the result of a great day of Goose Hunting in Historical Southern Illinois. It's nothing like they say it was in the 70's & 80's, but I sure had a ball. I'm the goober in the middle. I was the guest of a church member at their goose club. It was a great day in which most major problem of the universe was thoroughly discussed AND SOLVED. Now, if somebody who matters would just ask for our input we could make the world a better place.
Now back to the hunting...I'm not really a goose hunter. I have been a few times, but unlike most other hunting, I'm clueless how to do this. I know little about geese or how to call them or how to set up decoys.
The way this works is that the 5 of us were submerged in a concrete pit in the middle of a wheat field. We were surrounded by 5 or 6 dozen Canada Goose decoys. The real geese fly over, we blow goose calls until we are at the point of asphyxiation. 9 times out 10 all the geese fly away. But occasionally, we got to shoot. That's the fun part. When 5 guys shoot 3 shots apiece all at the same time, nobody really knows who shot what. Which also means, nobody knows who didn't shoot what. I'm one of the world's worst shotgunners, and that isn't my attempt at humility. It's the truth. While I am certain I shot one of those geese, I'm not so sure "I" hit the other one. But the great thing is, NOBODY KNOWS. I just look confident, give a few high fives and spit. And Wah-lah...I'm a goose hunter. Not really, but for a day it was pretty neat. Just another way to be with church folks on their turf, where I'm the uncomfortable one. A great way to talk about God-things when "my students" are comfortable and less guarded.
The cool thing is, a goose in the crockpot made like Italian beef is awesome. It doesn't taste like chicken or liver or the excrementy taste you might expect. It's good, really good. And a whole lot better for the body than a processed, chemically treated anything that I might go to the store and buy.
Chad, thanks for a great day. Dr. Killian, thanks for making me smile today.

Friday, January 11, 2008

New Members to the Family

Nothing really major to say about this. These are two of my deer at the taxidermist's shop just waiting for a few final touch-ups. The taxidermist is my brother, Jason Biggs, at "Proving Grounds Taxidermy." If you want more info about him or his work just leave a message and I'll get back to you.
The real reason for this posting is to try and jog my memory on how to go about doing this stuff. It's been a while since I've visited. In fact, it took about 8 tries before I finally got the right password to log on. Hopefully I'll do a little better this year than I did last.